Multiplexed Nucleic Acid Programmable Protein Arrays

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Rationale: Cell-free protein microarrays display naturally-folded proteins based on just-in-time in situ synthesis, and have made important contributions to basic and translational research. However, the risk of spot-to-spot cross-talk from protein diffusion during expression has limited the feature density of

Rationale: Cell-free protein microarrays display naturally-folded proteins based on just-in-time in situ synthesis, and have made important contributions to basic and translational research. However, the risk of spot-to-spot cross-talk from protein diffusion during expression has limited the feature density of these arrays.

Methods: In this work, we developed the Multiplexed Nucleic Acid Programmable Protein Array (M-NAPPA), which significantly increases the number of displayed proteins by multiplexing as many as five different gene plasmids within a printed spot.

Results: Even when proteins of different sizes were displayed within the same feature, they were readily detected using protein-specific antibodies. Protein-protein interactions and serological antibody assays using human viral proteome microarrays demonstrated that comparable hits were detected by M-NAPPA and non-multiplexed NAPPA arrays. An ultra-high density proteome microarray displaying > 16k proteins on a single microscope slide was produced by combining M-NAPPA with a photolithography-based silicon nano-well platform. Finally, four new tuberculosis-related antigens in guinea pigs vaccinated with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) were identified with M-NAPPA and validated with ELISA.

Conclusion: All data demonstrate that multiplexing features on a protein microarray offer a cost-effective fabrication approach and have the potential to facilitate high throughput translational research.

Date Created

Early detection and treatment of breast cancer by random peptide array in neuN transgenic mouse model

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Breast cancer is the most common cancer and currently the second leading cause of death among women in the United States. Patients’ five-year relative survival rate decreases from 99% to 25% when breast cancer is diagnosed late. Immune checkpoint blockage

Breast cancer is the most common cancer and currently the second leading cause of death among women in the United States. Patients’ five-year relative survival rate decreases from 99% to 25% when breast cancer is diagnosed late. Immune checkpoint blockage has shown to be a promising therapy to improve patients’ outcome in many other cancers. However, due to the lack of early diagnosis, the treatment is normally given in the later stages. An early diagnosis system for breast cancer could potentially revolutionize current treatment strategies, improve patients’ outcomes and even eradicate the disease. The current breast cancer diagnostic methods cannot meet this demand. A simple, effective, noninvasive and inexpensive early diagnostic technology is needed. Immunosignature technology leverages the power of the immune system to find cancer early. Antibodies targeting tumor antigens in the blood are probed on a high-throughput random peptide array and generate a specific binding pattern called the immunosignature.

In this dissertation, I propose a scenario for using immunosignature technology to detect breast cancer early and to implement an early treatment strategy by using the PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibitor. I develop a methodology to describe the early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in a FVB/N neuN breast cancer mouse model. By comparing FVB/N neuN transgenic mice and age-matched wild type controls, I have found and validated specific immunosignatures at multiple time points before tumors are palpable. Immunosignatures change along with tumor development. Using a late-stage immunosignature to predict early samples, or vice versa, cannot achieve high prediction performance. By using the immunosignature of early breast cancer, I show that at the time of diagnosis, early treatment with the checkpoint blockade, anti-PD-L1, inhibits tumor growth in FVB/N neuN transgenic mouse model. The mRNA analysis of the PD-L1 level in mice mammary glands suggests that it is more effective to have treatment early.

Novel discoveries are changing understanding of breast cancer and improving strategies in clinical treatment. Researchers and healthcare professionals are actively working in the early diagnosis and early treatment fields. This dissertation provides a step along the road for better diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.
Date Created