Adaptation for whom? A Study of the Conceptualization and Experience of Planned Adaptation Interventions in India

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Adaptation to climate change is a core sustainability challenge across the Global South. Development and government organizations conceptualize and govern climate adaptation by creating national and sub-national action plans and implementing projects. This dissertation confronts the inherent tensions that arise

Adaptation to climate change is a core sustainability challenge across the Global South. Development and government organizations conceptualize and govern climate adaptation by creating national and sub-national action plans and implementing projects. This dissertation confronts the inherent tensions that arise when formal planned adaptation interventions encounter the complex, often messy realities of the implementation context. In doing so, this research examines how planned adaptation—with its incentives, provisioned resources, prescribed behaviors, and expectations of commitment from target beneficiaries —interacts with individuals and communities already balancing diverse risks while pursuing their livelihood aspirations. Two broad questions guide this dissertation: 1) how is adaptation envisioned by planners and practitioners? and, 2) how do project beneficiaries engage with, and experience planned adaptation interventions? The research employs an exploratory and inductive qualitative research design. Using Foucault’s lens of governmentality, this research utilises document analysis to examine how the first wave of Indian adaptation projects envision goals, conceptualize problems, delineate roles, and frame expectations of intended beneficiaries. Next, using a case study of an adaptation project implemented in Uttarakhand, India, the study examines the motivations and associated trade-offs behind the engagement and disengagement of the intended beneficiaries: smallholder farmers. Insights from gender-differentiated focus group discussions guide this analysis. Both inquiries are supplemented with findings from semi-structured interviews with Indian adaptation experts and project implementers. The analysis finds that: 1) project reports construct identities of the climate vulnerable beneficiary, implicitly assigning roles and transferring responsibilities for sustaining adaptation efforts beyond project timelines, 2) project participants are not default beneficiaries, but instead exercise agency in decision-making by either opting-in or opting-out of planned initiatives, and 3) the implicit and explicit costs of engaging in planned adaptation interventions are substantial, encompassing significant contributions of time, physical labor, and active participation during and post the project period. This dissertation challenges existing notions of whom planned adaptation serves, and to what end, offering new insights into its design and effectiveness. Furthermore, this research suggests that for planned adaptation to be sustainable, a concerted effort to align with evolving needs, aspirations and livelihood shifts of those on the frontlines of climate change is essential.
Date Created

The Politics of Justice in the Energy Transition: Policy Advocates and Justice Dilemmas

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Decarbonizing the energy system is one of the most challenging sustainability transitions that leaders across the globe must tackle. In governing this transition, decision-makers are increasingly pairing together decarbonization efforts with policy measures focused on issues of (in)justice. However, researchers’

Decarbonizing the energy system is one of the most challenging sustainability transitions that leaders across the globe must tackle. In governing this transition, decision-makers are increasingly pairing together decarbonization efforts with policy measures focused on issues of (in)justice. However, researchers’ understanding of the politics that have given rise to this emerging equitable energy transition agenda is under-developed. The central research question of my dissertation is: How is the energy transition made more attentive to equity through stakeholder advocacy? I examine this using qualitative methods across three analytical chapters. The study of justice in energy transitions has occurred across different lineages of scholarship. To establish a clearer understanding of the state of current research I conducted a systematic literature review. In the literature, I found a diverse advocacy community motivated by many different issues related to the energy system. Advocacy concerning inaccessible decision-making processes, environmental degradation, and energy ownership and control was common. However, there were few studies that explicitly focused on examining the relationship between advocate strategies and governance outcomes. The remainder of the research presented in this dissertation analyzes two state-level policy processes in New Mexico and Illinois. In both cases, justice-oriented policy instruments were bundled with climate policy. First, using public documents and interviews, I used process tracing to examine policy development and enactment. I find that different types of learning processes were critical in shaping justice policy provisions and that justice advocacy was instrumental in passing climate policy. Second, I used content analysis to examine the mechanisms within these processes driving and resolving justice conflicts. My findings show that disagreements about justice are rooted in divergent historic experiences of energy production and regulation. I also find that issues of (dis)trust and uncertainty contributed to disagreements and reinforced conflicts that diminished support for energy transition policy. This dissertation provides empirical evidence of the importance of learning for shaping justice policy provisions and building energy transition coalition power, the nature of uncertainty and (dis)trust in destabilizing justice efforts and reducing support for climate policy, and the ways in which incremental change may lead to transformative outcomes.
Date Created

Embodied and Enactive Cognition in Practice: Planning for the Direct Potable Reuse of Wastewater in Arizona

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How can we understand and pursue sustainability transitions that disrupt everyday practices and social norms? This dissertation finds potential answers to this fundamental sustainability governance question in Arizona utilities’ efforts to legitimate wastewater as a drinking water source. Due to

How can we understand and pursue sustainability transitions that disrupt everyday practices and social norms? This dissertation finds potential answers to this fundamental sustainability governance question in Arizona utilities’ efforts to legitimate wastewater as a drinking water source. Due to widespread public concern regarding the direct potable reuse of wastewater (DPR), utilities and other stakeholders have developed innovative governance approaches. By offering tastings of DPR water (often in the form of beer), utilities create spaces for deliberation within a traditionally top-down policy planning paradigm, and furthermore, invite feelings—emotions and bodily sensations—into policymaking. This dissertation explores and advances Arizona's emerging transition to deliberative water governance through three distinct investigations. The first of these, an institutional analysis based on interviews with 34 regional stakeholders and observations at 56 water industry meetings, identifies direct experiences with DPR (e.g., tastings) as a pivotal strategy to institutionalize new wastewater practices. The second investigation examines utility-sponsored initiatives to promote DPR and finds that, instead of assuming that consumers behave as rational choice or bounded rationality would predict, water utilities’ use of drinking water tastings reflects a new normative assumption, termed embodied rationality. The third investigation applies embodied rationality in action research with skeptical consumers and reuse industry stakeholders to co-design an exhibit about DPR that engaged more than 1,100 people. Drawing insights from the literatures of embodied and enacted cognition, practice theory, organizational institutionalism, sustainability transitions management, and design research, this dissertation proposes an analytical approach, normative framework, and practical tools for collaboratively addressing real-world sustainability challenges.
Date Created

Pluvial Flood Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management under Evolving Urban Climates and Land Cover

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Pluvial flooding is a costly, injurious, and even deadly phenomenon with which cities will always contend. However, cities may reduce their risk of flood exposure by changing historically dominant patterns of development that have removed natural landscape features and reduce

Pluvial flooding is a costly, injurious, and even deadly phenomenon with which cities will always contend. However, cities may reduce their risk of flood exposure by changing historically dominant patterns of development that have removed natural landscape features and reduce the damages that flooding causes by identifying and supporting vulnerable populations. Accomplishing either goal requires the development and application of appropriate frameworks for modeling or recording flood exposure. In this dissertation, I used modeling and surveying methods for assessing pluvial flood exposure in two cities, first in Valdivia, Chile, and then in Hermosillo, México. I open with a summary on pluvial flood risk in the present day and the threat it may pose under changing climates. In the second chapter, I explored how a form of urban ecological infrastructure (UEI), the wetland, is being wielded in Valdivia toward pluvial flood mitigation, and found that wetland daily, seasonal, and interannual changes in wetland surface and soil water storage alter pluvial flood risk in the city. In the third chapter, I used a mixed methodology, including projections of future land cover generated by cellular automata models with inputs from visioning workshops conducted by the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN), and found that wetland loss in future land configurations may lead to increased pluvial flood risk. In the fourth chapter, I combined these land cover models from the third chapter with downscaled climate data on precipitation, also generated by the UREx SRN, and found that wetland conservation can help to mitigate the pluvial flood risk posed by changing patterns of rainfall. In the fifth chapter, I applied the Arc-Malstrøm method for pluvial flood assessment in Hermosillo, México, and compared it with the more traditional rational method for flood assessment, and through accompanying surveys found that perception of flood risk is significantly affected by flood dimensions and impacts. This dissertation concludes with a synthesis of pluvial flood risk assessment, suggestions for improvements to modeling, as well as suggestions for future research on pluvial flood risk assessment in cities. This dissertation advances the understanding of the utility of inland wetland UEI in cities under present and future land cover and climate conditions. It also qualifies the utility of common and new pluvial flood risk assessments and offers research directions for future pluvial flood assessments.
Date Created

Governing Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems in a Rapidly Changing World

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Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS) are community managed and operated irrigation systems, celebrated for their successful governance of water resources for many decades and in several countries. Nevertheless, in the face of climatic, political, and social change, their future is uncertain.

Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS) are community managed and operated irrigation systems, celebrated for their successful governance of water resources for many decades and in several countries. Nevertheless, in the face of climatic, political, and social change, their future is uncertain. This dissertation utilizes household adaptive capacity, socio-ecological system (SES) robustness, and the Institutional Analysis and Development framework to structure a multi-scalar and multi-stressor analysis of changes experienced in Nepal’s FMIS. The dissertation documents irrigators’ perception of environmental change, impacts, and response; diagnoses the multiple disturbances impacting the robustness of the FMIS; and analyzes changes in the FMIS as an institution over time, in an effort to understand the major drivers of SES change. Fifteen FMIS from five districts of Nepal were selected for the study. Data were collected through field observations, household surveys, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. The status of the existing rules was compared with the data collected three decades ago in the Nepal Irrigation Institutions and Systems database. This study finds that FMIS’s robustness is threatened by uncertain water supply, inefficient infrastructure, scarcity of farm labor, weakening collective action, and natural disasters. Farm households, whose actions are necessary to sustain the management of FMIS, perceive environmental change differently according to their ecological region and position along the irrigation canal, leading to different adaptation strategies. Despite livelihood diversification, irrigators rely primarily on irrigation infrastructure management to respond to the impacts of environmental change. Institutional analysis demonstrates the evolution of FMIS in terms of working rules in the face of multiple stressors. In this study, payoff, information, and position rules have exhibited the most substantive change. However, boundary, choice, aggregation, and scope rules are less likely to change. The findings of this work point to the need for geographically differentiated adaptation support policies, and a need for closer attention to the dynamics of labor, environmental change, and institutional persistence in agriculture and irrigation sectors. FMIS being an exemplary institutional arrangement for the study of a SES, the research findings benefit similar institutions globally facing challenges to the sustainable governance of common pool resources.
Date Created

Governing Climate Change Adaptation Through Insurance: Complexity, Risk and Justice Concerns?

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Climate adaptation has not kept pace with climate impacts which has formed an adaptation gap. Increasingly insurance is viewed as a solution to close this gap. However, the efficacy and implications of using insurance in the climate adaptation space are

Climate adaptation has not kept pace with climate impacts which has formed an adaptation gap. Increasingly insurance is viewed as a solution to close this gap. However, the efficacy and implications of using insurance in the climate adaptation space are not clear. Furthermore, past research has focused on specific actors or processes, not on the interactions and interconnections between the actors and the processes. I take a complex adaptive systems approach to map out how these dynamics are shaping adaptation and to interrogate what the insurance climate adaptation literature claims are the successes and pitfalls of insurance driving, enabling or being adaptation. From this interrogation it becomes apparent that insurance has enormous influence on its policy holders, builds telecoupling into local adaptation, and creates structures which support contradictory land use policies at the local level. Based on the influence insurance has on policy holders, I argue that insurance should be viewed as a form of governance. I synthesize insurance, governance and adaptation literature to examine exactly what governance tools insurance uses to exercise this influence and what the consequences may be. This research reveals that insurance may not be the exemplary adaptation approach the international community is hoping for. Using insurance, risk can be reduced without reducing vulnerability, and risk transfer can result in risk displacement which can reduce adaptation incentives, fuel maladaptation, or impose public burdens. Moreover, insurance requires certain information and legal relationships which can and often do structure that which is insured to the needs of insurance and shift authority away from governments to insurance companies or public-private partnerships. Each of these undermine the legitimacy of insurance-led local adaptation and contradict the stated social justice goals of international calls for insurance. Finally, I interrogate the potential justice concerns that emerged through an analysis of insurance as a form of adaptation governance. Using a multi-valent approach to justice I examine a suite of programs intended to support agricultural adaptation through insurance. This analysis demonstrates that although some programs clearly attempted to consider issues of justice, overall these existing programs raise distributional, procedural and recognition justice concerns.
Date Created

Reducing Livestock-based Emissions in Argentina: Analyzing Climate Change Mitigation Strategies through Policy and Governance in the Agricultural Sector

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Intensive global animal agricultural practices have proved to be a cause for concern, resulting, in part, from consumer preferences and an increasing global demand for protein, especially meat. Countries like Argentina, contribute to Greenhouse Gas emissions substantially through their livestock

Intensive global animal agricultural practices have proved to be a cause for concern, resulting, in part, from consumer preferences and an increasing global demand for protein, especially meat. Countries like Argentina, contribute to Greenhouse Gas emissions substantially through their livestock sector. Improved resource management can help to promote sustainable agriculture by reducing the amount of water and energy used to produce livestock, and improve livestock practices in order to reduce GHG emissions. The integration of resource management between food, energy, and water systems can help to decrease livestock-based emissions, through efficiency improvements targeted towards animal agricultural practices. This paper can act as a reference for other researchers studying the FEW nexus, to increase their understanding of how to improve coordination across water, energy, and agricultural sectors by using Argentina’s livestock sector as an example. Furthermore, policy and decision makers in Argentina can use information about FEW systems to make informed decisions about the allocation and prioritization of integrated management between food, energy, and water sectors, to help them implement integrated mitigation strategies within their livestock sector to help reduce GHG emissions.
Date Created

Human Connection and Edible Green Spaces

This paper explores Grace Logan and Emma Zuber’s understanding of how edible green spaces are mediums for emotional and social well-being. Our research aims to answer these questions: How are different populations benefitting in terms of their emotional and social

This paper explores Grace Logan and Emma Zuber’s understanding of how edible green spaces are mediums for emotional and social well-being. Our research aims to answer these questions: How are different populations benefitting in terms of their emotional and social well-being in similar and different ways from edible green spaces in Phoenix, Arizona? How does accessibility to garden spaces as well as time, in both frequency and duration, impact personal and communal connection? To answer these questions, we surveyed volunteers from four different garden populations - Sage Garden at Arizona State University (ASU), Desert Marigold School (DMS), TigerMountain Foundation (TMF), and Growhouse Urban Agriculture Center (GUAC). Before the volunteer surveys, we interviewed a garden leader or founder to gain a better understanding of their intentions for the space and their perspective on how the garden impacts emotional and social well-being benefits in their community. The results of the survey included some variance in subpopulation answers but, overall, volunteers answered similarly. This led us to determine that gardens do bring emotional and social benefits to people, but the degree of these benefits prove difficult to truly determine due to the complexity of personal needs across different subpopulations. As well, our research on time and access proved too limited in this study to make a definitive conclusion on how it impacts personal and communal connections, but the research does suggest that time could be a determining factor for subpopulations. This study also made recommendations based on our findings, so that policies could be enacted to ensure people can access green spaces to improve their overall well-being.
Date Created

Overcoming Barriers to Sustainable Urban Gardening and Farming in the Sonoran Desert

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Urban agriculture includes both farming and gardening, typically in a community format, in urban areas. Agrihoods are neighborhoods centered around food production and they are becoming more popular residential areas as the local food movement grows. Agritopia is one of

Urban agriculture includes both farming and gardening, typically in a community format, in urban areas. Agrihoods are neighborhoods centered around food production and they are becoming more popular residential areas as the local food movement grows. Agritopia is one of these agrihoods; located in Gilbert, Arizona, it contains both an urban farm and a community garden. Agritopia is oft cited for being an exemplary agrihood. This thesis uses Agritopia as a case study for exploring the challenges associated with urban agriculture in the Sonoran Desert.
Most urban agriculture sites experience challenges related to sustainability, but in the Sonoran Desert, even more challenges arise as a result of a unique climate, soil conditions, intense storms, and water scarcity. The objective of this project was to obtain information on common barriers to urban agriculture in the Sonoran Desert, as well as ways to overcome these barriers that will be made public for the purpose of improving sustainability of similar agriculture projects. I used interviews with gardeners and farm staff as my primary research method to gain insight to these barriers and solutions, and I coded their responses relating to challenges according to frequency mentioned. Using my findings, I compiled a thorough list of recommendations that urban agriculture projects in the Sonoran Desert or in similar climatic areas can use to achieve greater success and sustainable outcomes.
Date Created

Observations on Sense of Community: Relational Connections in Modern Environments

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This paper explores patterns of declining sense of community found in many modern-day neighborhoods and maintains that this phenomenon presents a level of vulnerability to our society that has been overlooked. It investigates this by examining four modern environments within

This paper explores patterns of declining sense of community found in many modern-day neighborhoods and maintains that this phenomenon presents a level of vulnerability to our society that has been overlooked. It investigates this by examining four modern environments within the U.S.: two primarily low-income, immigrant communities in or near the Tempe area, and two middle-income class communities in downtown Mesa and on the South Texas border, respectively. It uses a multi-methods approach to understand how sense of community could manifest itself at varying levels depending on the type of community establishedamong different types of communities. The locations studied were fundamentally different in nature, and, therefore, could not be subject to comparative analysis. However, the study gives evidence of weaker sense of community and general relational connection among moderate to upper-class environments. Literature review utilized in the two low-income immigrant neighborhoods revealed that residents experience high sense of community, as well as high satisfaction with their environments. Qualitative analyses consisting of interviews approached through an assets-based community development perspective, as well as forms of coding employed in the South Texas neighborhood, revealed that the two middle to upper-income communities experience low to moderate sense of community, and corresponding satisfaction with their environments. This paper suggests that trends of decreasing sense of community, such as these, create unnoticed vulnerabilities for our modern environments that present disadvantages for sustainable development. It also suggests that we can learn from the former two communities, and proposes that strong communities are critical for our society on many levels, as well as advantageous for the future of sustainable development.
Date Created