Startup Leaders’ Vision Communication in Dynamic Environments

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The study aims to explore how startup leaders communicate their vision and use strategic ambiguity in uncertain and dynamic environments, as well as how employees understand the vision. Transitioning from being an entrepreneur to being a leader is challenging. Effective

The study aims to explore how startup leaders communicate their vision and use strategic ambiguity in uncertain and dynamic environments, as well as how employees understand the vision. Transitioning from being an entrepreneur to being a leader is challenging. Effective leadership communication in startups is crucial due to its impact on survival rates of businesses and the more direct interaction with employees, compared to established organizations. Previous studies found that effective vision communication motivates followers, thus contributes to the startup’s growth. However, how startup leaders communicate and how members perceive vision in constant changes remain underexplored. The study addresses this gap by investigating how startup leaders use vision communication and its impact on employees' perception and organizational performance as well as how startup leaders use ambiguity as a strategy in uncertain situations. The data was collected through multiple qualitative methods, including observations, case studies, and semi-structured interviews, and analyzed by constant comparison method. The study found that early startup entrepreneurs often communicate a flexible vision that evolves as they bring on new clients and the organization develops. Employees interpret the vision by executing their tasks that are aligned with the vision. Strategic ambiguity is rare in smaller startups due to frequent interactions and task-oriented communication pattern. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.
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Associations Between Expectancy Violations and International Students' Perceptions of Acculturation, Loneliness and Emotional Well-Being

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When students move abroad, they imagine what their life abroad would be like. These expectations can differ from reality and could lead to positive or negative expectancy violations. Based on Burgoon’s Expectancy Violation Theory, this research seeks to understand how

When students move abroad, they imagine what their life abroad would be like. These expectations can differ from reality and could lead to positive or negative expectancy violations. Based on Burgoon’s Expectancy Violation Theory, this research seeks to understand how expectancy violations regarding university support, inclusion with U.S. Americans, and friendships with international students are associated with acculturation, loneliness, and well-being. In addition, this study sought to understand how social capital is associated with acculturation, loneliness, and well-being. 136 international students from 25 different colleges and universities in the United States participated in the online survey. Multiple regressions were performed to understand the relationships between the expectancies and social capital as they relate to acculturation, loneliness, and well-being. Findings showed that when international students perceived that their expectations about university support were positively violated, they reported more acculturation, less loneliness, and more well-being. When they perceived that their expectations about inclusion with U.S. American students were positively violated, they reported more acculturation and well-being, and when they reported that their expectations about international students were positively violated, they reported less loneliness and more well-being. No significant relationships emerged between international students’ social capital and acculturation, loneliness, or well-being, suggesting that the amount of social capital is not as important as the degree and valence of expectancy violations. Considering the findings showed that the expectancy violations about university support were significantly related to the acculturation, loneliness, and well-being of students, universities should not only set students expectations in line with reality, but also support students through their acculturation, loneliness, and well-being. Universities should provide support for students to establish a few meaningful relationships. This could be done through, for example, volunteering opportunities or small-scale events focused on building strong relationships.
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A Legal Review on Social Media

Social media’s wide-reaching global presence has prompted researchers to attempt to identify and quantify any psychological or physical effects of its use. Thousands of studies published have identified various benefits or harms from social media use in varying degrees. Despite

Social media’s wide-reaching global presence has prompted researchers to attempt to identify and quantify any psychological or physical effects of its use. Thousands of studies published have identified various benefits or harms from social media use in varying degrees. Despite this, there has been no comprehensive analysis of how the effects of social media use should be legally regulated, if at all. This systematic review fills that gap by comparing the conclusions of current scientific research to the legal coding in California State. Six main harms were identified from social media use. Of these, addiction was identified as the best candidate for legal reform due to its role as a catalyst in worsening the other five harms and its absence from the legal literature.
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Identifying Meanings of Fatherhood as Explored in TED Talks

A brief historical analysis of popular models of fatherhood are reviewed alongside current conceptions and representations. The research aim is to cultivate an understanding of the messages portrayed by fathers themselves in public spaces. TED Talks featuring discussion about fathers

A brief historical analysis of popular models of fatherhood are reviewed alongside current conceptions and representations. The research aim is to cultivate an understanding of the messages portrayed by fathers themselves in public spaces. TED Talks featuring discussion about fathers are analyzed using a thematic analysis with the incorporation of quantitative descriptors. The following four themes emerged: 1.) Fathers as Distinct Figures, 2.) Role Reprioritization, 3.) Role Development, 4.) Effects of Fathering. Future directions suggest survey and experimental designs to better understand media effects of these videos as well as the need to create space for mothers' voices on the topic at hand.
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