K-12 Organization-Wide Book Study: A Quantitative Action Research Dissertation

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The purpose of this quantitative action research study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an organization-wide book study in the K-12 environment. A growing charter school network was working towards an improved organizational culture to meet its mission. This study

The purpose of this quantitative action research study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an organization-wide book study in the K-12 environment. A growing charter school network was working towards an improved organizational culture to meet its mission. This study examined whether an organization-wide book study can make a difference in workplace belongingness, one of the core beliefs of the network. Bloom's Revised Taxonomy shaped the design of three distinct format options for the book study: facilitated, book club, and asynchronous. The study compared participants and non-participants in workplace belonging. Workplace belonging was measured using the Jena and Pradhan Workplace Belongingness Scale. Additionally, the study analyzed how the three different formats are more or less effective according to the Kirkpatrick Four-Level Model of Evaluation. The book study format effectiveness was measured using a modified version of the Lau, Henry, and Ebekozien training survey. Results were mixed. There was no significant difference found in workplace belonging among the three formats, and there was no significant difference found between the control group and experimental group. Significant difference was found in the facilitated format’s overviews and discussions when compared to the asynchronous group. Significant difference was also found in the book club’s discussions when compared to the asynchronous group.
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