Improvement of Obesity Management in Primary Care: Self-Efficacy, Readiness for Change, and Provider Education

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Background: Obesity is a known comorbidity for chronic disease and is responsible for 47% of related medical costs. Recognizing the complex etiology of obesity, the need for an effective and comprehensive screening tool will assist primary care providers in assessing

Background: Obesity is a known comorbidity for chronic disease and is responsible for 47% of related medical costs. Recognizing the complex etiology of obesity, the need for an effective and comprehensive screening tool will assist primary care providers in assessing their patient's needs and facilitating success in managing their weight and health. Primary care providers (PCP) have limited knowledge of current evidence in obesity treatment. The project guides the form of tools to help identify the patients' self-efficacy, change readiness, and insurance reimbursement. Methods: Expedited IRB approval was obtained, allowing for data analysis from completed de-identified screenings, surveys, and medical records gathered between September 2022 and April 2023. Screenings including Weight Efficacy, Lifestyle long-form (WEL-LF), and Stages Of Change Readiness And Treatment Eagerness Scale In Overweight And Obesity (SOCRATES-OO) were used to assess the effectiveness of the treatment plan. Russwurm and Larrabee's model for evidence-based practice change was chosen for the project's framework. The provider was given a guide for obesity management with tips for billing insurance. A convenience sample of eight patients met with the providers over three months as part of their obesity management treatment plan. Results: The pre and post-screenings collected from the remaining participants (n=8) showed no statistical differences. However, the satisfaction and feedback survey from patients (n=8), provider (n=1), and office staff (n=4) showed improved quality of care and greater confidence in the provider's part in initiating and managing their patient's chronic obesity. Conclusion: Improving PCPs' knowledge of Obesity treatment improves patient care. Expanding this project to a larger scale and disseminating the information can impact patients' lives positively. Keywords: Obesity; self-efficacy; readiness for change; stages of change; primary care, Weight Efficacy Lifestyle questionnaires
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Workplace Violence Against Nurses: Use of Patient Screening for Early Identification of Violence

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Background: Workplace violence (WV) is a significant problem in healthcare that affects the nurses' physical and mental health and impacts patient care. This is costing healthcare organizations millions of dollars for damage control as there is a lack of prevention.

Background: Workplace violence (WV) is a significant problem in healthcare that affects the nurses' physical and mental health and impacts patient care. This is costing healthcare organizations millions of dollars for damage control as there is a lack of prevention. Hence, this evidence-based practice project uses the theory of planned behavior and nursing process discipline theory to explore the effectiveness of screening patients for violence. Method: After an aggregate IRB approval, a violence screening tool with high sensitivity and specificity, Broset Violence Checklist (BVC), was implemented twice daily and as needed for 15 days with 275 adult patients in a neurology/telemetry unit to help identify patients at high-risk for violence. All interventions and procedures were based on established policies, not the BVC score. Results: A generalized estimating approach with a logit link and linear regression was used for data analysis. Of the 1504 BVC screenings completed, 43 violent incidents were reported, with interventions recorded in 106 (7.1%) screenings. Patients with a BVC score of <2 required an intervention 16 times (1.2%), and BVC score of >2 required an intervention 90 times (54.2%), OR= 17.95 (95% CI: 3.55 to 90.84), p< 0.001. Discussions: Total BVC score, male gender, and older age were highly predictive of violence. Also, as the BVC score increased above 1, additional interventions were utilized. Conclusion: The BVC has value, indicating that patients who score above 1 can pose enough threat to require an intervention. Thus, uncovering risks and identifying the potential for violence is essential to diminishing harm and WV.
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Healthcare Team Perception, Are We Beating Diabetes?

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Background: Diabetes (DM) is a costly disease that negatively impacts patients and the healthcare system that requires complex and structured management. Literature has shown a gap in effective, structured diabetic education and management for providers and patients. Objective: The purpose

Background: Diabetes (DM) is a costly disease that negatively impacts patients and the healthcare system that requires complex and structured management. Literature has shown a gap in effective, structured diabetic education and management for providers and patients. Objective: The purpose of this quality improvement project was to investigate the impact of how outreach, through a structured educational care plan, affects healthcare team experience, perception, and impact on their ability to communicate and comanage patients' chronic diabetes. Utilizing telemedicine as an alternative to the office visit healthcare model to address a gap in care by providing ongoing, structured diabetes education and management. Methods: A small-scale study initially included ten participants, with five that completed the study. This included the Population Outreach Team (POT), one provider, and four auxiliary support staff. They were introduced to and utilized a care plan tool (CPT) to assist providers and auxiliary health team communication and education delivery to patients with DM. The theoretical and implementation framework that guided the study was based on the nudge theory, focused on altering habits and behavior, and the Model for Improvement supporting future alterations and improvement as identified. A CPT was designed based on HEDIS diabetes measures and the American Diabetic Association (ADA). Improvement was measured through nine question pre- and post-surveys with an additional four questions specific to the CPT use based on a modified RAND Likert scale patient satisfaction survey. A post-qualitative interview with the provider was conducted to gain further insight into CPT use and perception. Results: A total of ten healthcare and auxiliary participants joined the study; of these, five completed it. The data, including the pre- and post-perception surveys, were collected over a 6-week study period with a post-implementation interview with one provider. Data analysis was captured through descriptive statistics. Pre-perception, M = 19.6 (SD. 4.04, 14 – 25). Post-perception, M = 7.60 (SD. 1.34, 6 – 9). CPT perception post, M = 14.4 (SD. 3.65, 10 – 18). A lower score indicated improvement. The interview identified the following barriers that impacted the CPT's success, including the patient-provider relationship, EHR "easability", patient readiness, and patient education barriers. Conclusion: This small study indicated the positive impact structured, ongoing education provides to improve communication and comanage patients' with DM through the POT improved perception with CPT use. Barriers identified will assist with future implementations and other areas for improvement, which may increase success in the objective of this study and the delivery of healthcare for patients with DM. Future utilization of this intervention may be easily translated to other primary care environments. The intention is that successful DM management may lead to decreased medical management, complications, and financial strain.
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Making an Impact on Skin Cancer Prevention and Strategies for Sun Safety

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Skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer diagnosed in America. No formal educational program for skin cancer prevention and sun safety previously existed at a Southwest University. As a result, a sun safety educational intervention sought to address

Skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer diagnosed in America. No formal educational program for skin cancer prevention and sun safety previously existed at a Southwest University. As a result, a sun safety educational intervention sought to address this gap. For this co-ed young adult population, an education video outlining sun safety measures was developed and delivered. An evidence-based review of the literature supported the intervention design inclusive of pre-and post- descriptive surveys, distributed via Survey Monkey. Data collected included sun safety behaviors, intent for behavioral change, and attitudes towards sun safety. Twenty-eight students completed both the pre-and post-survey. Based on the findings, it is clear that students are more likely to adhere to sun-safe behaviors following this video-based education, potentially decreasing their risk of skin cancer development.
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Benefits of Medically Assisted Treatment in Opioid Use Disorder

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Introduction: For 2019 in the U.S. opioid overdose deaths neared 50,000 people. Increasing the number of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) programs available for the population is important to address this crisis (NIDA, n.d.). Objective: To evaluate if MAT improves

Introduction: For 2019 in the U.S. opioid overdose deaths neared 50,000 people. Increasing the number of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) programs available for the population is important to address this crisis (NIDA, n.d.). Objective: To evaluate if MAT improves retention rates for those with opioid use disorder (OUD) for one Arizona organization’s (AZOrg) seven treatment facilities. Methods: ASU IRB approval obtained, and de-identified data were abstracted from the electronic records of AZOrg, for a year, March 2020 to February 2021. The data included patient age, sex, date of admission, length of stay, substance abused, and if MAT (buprenorphine, naltrexone, Methadone) was prescribed. Intellectus statistical package was used for analysis. Results: Among 3261 patients with a mean age of 35.81(18-82) years, 1528 (46.85%) were admitted for OUD that included 371 (24.28%) females, 686 of whom (44.9%) received MAT. For those treated with MAT mean length of stay was 35.78 (SD 30.34) days compared to a mean of 27.46 (30.79) days for those without MAT treatment. This finding was significant, for all forms of MAT, based on a two-tailed Two-Tailed Independent Samples t-Test test, p<.001. Discussion/Conclusion: Increasing awareness about OUD and MAT is needed when providing care to patients with OUD. Providing organization-specific information regarding MAT benefits can enhance the adoption of this intervention and aid in the recovery of those being treated for OUD. This analysis did not include the possible confounding factors such as a history of incarceration, duration of OUD before admission, or structural differences of individual facilities.
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Can You See Me? Primary Care Provider Education to Satisfy the Visually impaired

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Vision impairment has affected 2.2 billion people globally, with 12 million people affected in the United States; more than 700,000 Californians experience visual impairment or blindness (VI/B). Causes of VI/B can be prevented with early identification and intervention. This project

Vision impairment has affected 2.2 billion people globally, with 12 million people affected in the United States; more than 700,000 Californians experience visual impairment or blindness (VI/B). Causes of VI/B can be prevented with early identification and intervention. This project aims to identify perspectives of the VI/B, use this insight to build and improve the knowledge/skills of the primary care provider (PCP). A quantitative study, utilizing the Theory of Interpersonal Relations alongside the Star Model of Knowledge Transformation, incorporated pre-intervention questionnaires for the VI/B and the intention of pre- and post-intervention questionnaire for the PCP. After consenting, the VI/B completed the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire-18 (α = 0.87) and Visual Functioning Questionnaire-25 (α = 0.95) surveys via telephone. An interventional video discussing visual acuity and screening, legal blindness versus visually impaired, leading causes of blindness, common ophthalmic drops and their side effects, helpful hints, and resources for the visually impaired was created. Deidentified results were analyzed with descriptive analysis and Pearson correlation. Currently, 30 voluntary, consented VI/B members have completed the pre-surveys. The overall average patient satisfaction score was 46.73 with financial aspect and communication with the most positive evaluation. Unfortunately, their PCPs have not responded. The PCP questionnaire will be distributed to the ophthalmologist partner’s healthcare organization. The needs of VI/B community are poorly identified and addressed in primary care; thus, the educational video was created to address the perceived gaps. Improved provider knowledge and enhanced patient care can enhance patient satisfaction with the delivery of care.
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Improving the Care Transition to Outpatient Aftercare Services Following Addiction Treatment

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The chronic nature of substance use disorder requires continuity of care after residential treatment. Only a small proportion of patients, however, adhere to aftercare follow-up plans and the relapse rates remain between 40- 80% within a year post-discharge. Synthesis of

The chronic nature of substance use disorder requires continuity of care after residential treatment. Only a small proportion of patients, however, adhere to aftercare follow-up plans and the relapse rates remain between 40- 80% within a year post-discharge. Synthesis of evidence showed that facilitated referral (FR) significantly increased follow- up adherence and resulted to positive outcomes. The study aimed to examine the effectiveness of FR in improving access, follow-up adherence and engagement to aftercare services, and relapse rate after a month post- discharge.

After the Institutional Review Board approval, 30 participants were recruited in two residential treatment facilities. Questionnaires, the Assessment of Warning Signs of Relapse and Health leads surveys were utilized to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, McNemar, and Wilcoxon signed rank tests. Results showed that FR significantly increased access to many community aftercare services (p<.05). A significant reduction in relapse risk post-intervention was also noted (Z= -3.180, p= .001). Additionally, most participants discharged with scheduled appointments followed-up and had continued engagement with aftercare services. Eight participants maintained sobriety and 18 were lost to follow-up a month post-discharge, while four relapsed in the facility.

Overall, FR increased access to needed aftercare services and significantly decreased the relapse percentage risk post-discharge. FR is a promising intervention that can be implemented for practice. Future research is recommended to further examine the correlation with follow-up adherence and continuous engagement to aftercare services, and relapse rate at 30 days after discharge.

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Interprofessional Collaboration in Management of Type 2 Diabetes with Attention to Social Determinants of Health

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Interprofessional collaboration (IP) is an approach used by healthcare organizations to improve the quality of care. Studies examining effects of IP with patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have shown improvement in A1C, blood pressure, lipids, self-efficacy and overall

Interprofessional collaboration (IP) is an approach used by healthcare organizations to improve the quality of care. Studies examining effects of IP with patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have shown improvement in A1C, blood pressure, lipids, self-efficacy and overall greater knowledge of disease process and management. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the impact of IP with attention to identifying and addressing social needs of patients with T2DM. Participants at least 18 years of age with an A1C >6.5% were identified; Spanish speaking patients were included in this project. The intervention included administration of Health Leads questionnaire to assess social needs. Monthly in person or phone meetings were conducted during a 3-month period.

The patient had the option to meet with the doctor of nursing practice (DNP) student as well as other members of the team including the clinical pharmacist and social work intern. Baseline A1C levels were extracted from chart at 1st monthly meeting. Post A1C levels were drawn at the 3 month follow up with their primary care provider. Study outcomes include the difference in A1C goal attainment, mean A1C and patient satisfaction. Pre A1C levels in participants ranged from 7.1% to 9.8% with a mean of 8.3%. Post A1C levels ranged from 6.9% to 8.6% with a mean of 7.7%. Two cases were excluded as they did not respond to the intervention. A paired-samples t test was calculated to compare the mean pre A1C level to the post A1C level. The mean pre A1C level was 8.24 (sd .879), and the post A1C level was 7.69 (sd .631). A significant decrease from pre to post A1C levels was found (t (6) = 2.82, p<.05).

The prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise, as are the costs. This nation’s healthcare system must promote interprofessional collaboration and do a better job of addressing SDOH to more effectively engage patients in the management of their disease.

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Team-Based Care in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes with Consideration for Social Determinants of Health


The reactionary nature of the current healthcare delivery system in the United States has led to increased healthcare spending from acute exacerbations of chronic disease and unnecessary hospitalizations. Those who suffer from chronic diseases are particularly at risk. The dynamics

The reactionary nature of the current healthcare delivery system in the United States has led to increased healthcare spending from acute exacerbations of chronic disease and unnecessary hospitalizations. Those who suffer from chronic diseases are particularly at risk. The dynamics of health care must include grappling with the complexities of where and how people live and attempt to manage their health and disease. Team-based care may offer a solution due to its interdisciplinary focus on proactive, preventative care delivered in outpatient primary care.

Studies examining the effects of team-based care have shown improvement in; HbA1c, blood pressure, lipids, healthcare team morale, patient satisfaction rates, quality of care, and patient empowerment. In an effort to improve type 2 diabetes health outcomes and patient satisfaction a team based care project was implemented. The setting was an outpatient primary care clinic where the patients are known to have limited social resources. The healthcare team was comprised of a DNP Student, Master of Social Work Student, Clinical Pharmacist, and Primary Care Physician, who discussed patient specifics during informal meetings and referral processes.

Adult patients whose HbA1c level was greater than 6.5% were eligible to participate, 183 were identified and invited. Fourteen (14) agreed to participate and seven (7) completed the initial screening with a mean HbA1c of 9.7%. Significant social needs were identified using the Health Leads Questionnaire. The diabetes and social needs were addressed by members of the team who met individually with patients monthly over the course of three months. Of those who completed the initial evaluation only two (2) returned for a follow-up and had a repeat HbA1c. Both participants had important improvements in their A1C with a decrease of 2.3%, and 3.4%. The others were lost to follow up for unknown reasons. Despite the small numbers of participants this project suggests that patients can benefit when an interdisciplinary team addresses their needs and this could improve health outcomes.

Date Created

Diabetes Self-Management Education Through Technology


The purpose of this project was to evaluate the utilization of a smartphone application for diabetes self-management education (DSME) into a family practice office. Cochrane review of technological options for DSME identified the smartphone as the most effective option. All

The purpose of this project was to evaluate the utilization of a smartphone application for diabetes self-management education (DSME) into a family practice office. Cochrane review of technological options for DSME identified the smartphone as the most effective option. All patients with diabetes presenting in a family practice office for appointments with the clinical pharmacist or the physician were asked if they would participate in the project if they met the inclusion criteria including the diagnosis of diabetes, owning a smart-phone, and over 18 years old. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy, end-stage kidney disease, or use of an insulin pump.

The goal was to enroll at least 10 patients and have them utilize the smartphone application Care4life for education and blood glucose tracking. HbA1c, heart rate, blood pressure, weight, and body mass index were collected at the initiation of the trial in addition to a demographic survey. A survey was obtained at the end of the trial. Ten patients were enrolled in the project; 50% women. One patient discontinued participation after enrollment. Six patients returned their surveys.

The feedback was primarily positive with individuals liking the text messaging reminders and ability to track their matrix (blood pressure, blood glucose, weight, medication adherence, exercise). Continued utilization of the smartphone application within the practice is likely for those patients who enjoy the technology as a reminder. Further opportunities for implementation would be in a hospital setting where patients face a delay post discharge for an appointment with a diabetes educator. Additionally, due to the complexity of the disease this application could be used to educate caregivers.

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