Feeding Arizona Babies: Breastfeeding Needs Support

Breast or formula feeding is a personal and challenging decision for any new parent. Breastfeeding goes beyond the mother-baby dyad, having profound implications across different societal contexts, including financially and medically. Although a natural form of feeding, breastfeeding can be

Breast or formula feeding is a personal and challenging decision for any new parent. Breastfeeding goes beyond the mother-baby dyad, having profound implications across different societal contexts, including financially and medically. Although a natural form of feeding, breastfeeding can be difficult and isolating if it does not come easily. A mother's first contact for help is usually at her newborn's first primary care appointment. However, these appointments are insufficient in allowing the healthcare provider to answer breastfeeding concerns or questions. A quality improvement project was conducted at a pediatric primary care clinic in the southeast valley of Arizona after approval was granted by an Institutional Review Board. Eight participants were recruited, and four completed the project. This project focused on extending the newborn appointment by 15 minutes to provide an educational resource binder and address breastfeeding questions. The Bristol Breastfeeding Assessment Tool (BBAT) was utilized to determine the mother's self-efficacy towards breastfeeding since the Theory of Self-Efficacy was the foundation for this project. Weekly follow-up telephone calls were conducted to address the mother's questions. The project concluded at the one-month appointment, where BBAT was performed again. The BBAT scores demonstrated an increase in breastfeeding self-efficacy. The participants were also evaluated if the project aided their breastfeeding journey. Every participant was breastfeeding by the one-month appointment except one who was not exclusively breastfeeding. In addition, all preferred the extended-length newborn appointments, educational binder, and weekly phone calls. Qualitative theming supported the use and continuation of the project for future mothers.
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Sun Protection Habits Among Adolescent Athletes

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Introduction: Most melanoma cases are directly related to harmful ultraviolet exposure (UV). An adolescent athlete spends close to four hours per day outdoors, which equates to over one thousand hours of sun exposure every year. Athletes are typically unaware that

Introduction: Most melanoma cases are directly related to harmful ultraviolet exposure (UV). An adolescent athlete spends close to four hours per day outdoors, which equates to over one thousand hours of sun exposure every year. Athletes are typically unaware that extended periods of UV exposure can cause melanoma and therefore an education regarding sun safety is needed. The Social Cognitive Theory depicts the studied behaviors for this project showcasing external factors that may contribute to an adolescent not using proper sun protection. Methods: Athletes on the swim team at a Phoenix High School (n=6) were surveyed to determine their current sun protection habits. An education intervention about sun safety and melanoma risk/identification was then implemented. The student athletes were then re-surveyed two weeks post intervention to determine if their sun protection habits and melanoma knowledge had changed. Descriptive statistics were run to compare the pre- and post-survey results. Results: There was no change between baseline and post-intervention sun safety/melanoma knowledge when descriptive statistics were run. Amongst the six athletes, sun safety habits and knowledge identifying melanoma did not change after the education intervention. Discussion: Adolescents are unaware of the consequences their lack of safe sun habits can cause on their skin. Most adolescents do not have the proper education from schools or sporting teams to teach them about the dangers of poor sun safety practices. Education alone cannot serve as the sole influence as to whether adolescent athletes increase sun protection habits.
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The Role of Healthcare Providers in Adolescent Vaping Prevention

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Background and Objectives: Electronic cigarette use, known as vaping, among adolescents was declared a public health epidemic in 2018 and has acute and chronic health consequences. Healthcare providers (HCP) play a pivotal role as health-related educators, including counseling against vaping.

Background and Objectives: Electronic cigarette use, known as vaping, among adolescents was declared a public health epidemic in 2018 and has acute and chronic health consequences. Healthcare providers (HCP) play a pivotal role as health-related educators, including counseling against vaping. Primary HCPs report a lack of adequate knowledge, confidence, and screening for adolescent vaping. Increasing HCP’s vaping awareness and knowledge may increase rates of adolescent vaping prevention screening and counseling. Rosswurm & Larrabee Model and Health Belief Model were utilized in project design and implementation. Methods: Primary HCPs (n = 8) that provide care to adolescents at a pediatric clinic in Phoenix, Arizona completed online pre- and post- education surveys measuring vaping knowledge before and after viewing an evidence based online educational video. Participation was voluntary, open to all clinic HCPs, and informed consent was provided before the intervention. Data analysis was completed with Intellectus Statistics using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Results of the paired samples t-test was significant based on "?=.05" , t(7) = -3.56, p = .009. The mean of the post-education survey (12.38) was significantly higher than the mean of the pre-education survey (9.62). Descriptive statistics found 85.71% of HCPs reported increased intent to counsel for vaping and 57.14% of HCPs reported increased implemented vaping counseling with their adolescent patients four-weeks post intervention. Conclusions: HCP vaping knowledge rates and vaping-related counseling and surveillance significantly increased after viewing the educational video. Implementing mandatory HCP vaping education training could increase adolescent vaping prevention interventions and counseling within primary care settings.
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Adolescent Hemorrhage Control Training

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Preventing deaths from uncontrolled bleeding remains a national priority, as mass causality events in communities and schools continue to rise. National initiatives have been set in motion by the Department of Homeland Security, to teach laypersons hemorrhage control techniques while

Preventing deaths from uncontrolled bleeding remains a national priority, as mass causality events in communities and schools continue to rise. National initiatives have been set in motion by the Department of Homeland Security, to teach laypersons hemorrhage control techniques while waiting for emergency personnel to arrive. A full and growing body of evidence supports the use of hemorrhage control training classes among adult laypeople and is growing steadily in the adolescent population. With the majority of shooting events occurring at high schools, the implementation of a hemorrhage control training curriculum can increase survival rates among high school students in the event of an active shooter. The purpose of this paper is to investigate current knowledge and hemorrhage control practices among high school students and the implication of implementing a hemorrhage control educational intervention by evaluating current knowledge of hemorrhage control as well as their willingness, confidence, and perceived value in hemorrhage control education. This evidenced-based assessment is proposed utilizing the Social Learning Theory and Rosswurm and Larrabee’s implementation framework.
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Aging out of Pediatrics: Preparing Adolescents for Health Care Transition Using Illustration-based Anticipatory Guidance

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Objective Health care transition (HCT) for adolescents without special health care needs in the primary care setting has received inadequate attention, as represented by national surveys, when compared to adolescents with special health care needs. Barriers to transition such as lack

Objective Health care transition (HCT) for adolescents without special health care needs in the primary care setting has received inadequate attention, as represented by national surveys, when compared to adolescents with special health care needs. Barriers to transition such as lack of knowledge and preparation have been known to hinder HCT despite the knowledge gap and weak evidence related to non-special needs adolescent transition. Application of anticipatory guidance education related to care transition may improve transition readiness scores of adolescents without special health care needs. Methods Utilizing Meleis’ transition theory with the Plan-Do-Study-Act framework, a quasi-experimental study was conducted comparing transition readiness scores between baseline and intervention groups of adolescents 14 years or older attending their well checks at a small pediatric primary care site. The intervention consisted of two videos developed from Got TransitionTM's (n.d.) Six Core Elements for specific adolescent age ranges. Results Statistical analysis reveals that the subgroup and overall transition readiness scores for both age groups, 14-15 and 16-18 years of age, when comparing the baseline groups to the intervention groups, have mixed significance (p = .419, p = .074, respectively). However, when asking the respondents about their understanding of the transition process and their role in that process, 75% and 62.5%, respectively, at minimum agreed the intervention was helpful. Conclusion The findings were mixed, indicating the educational videos did have a short-term impact on adolescent transition readiness scores for the 16-18 years old group only. Future focus on long-term follow up throughout the adolescent period may yield better data.
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Motivational Interviewing Impact on Cardiovascular Disease

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Harm reduction in cardiovascular disease is a significant problem worldwide. Providers, families, and healthcare agencies are feeling the burdens imparted by these diseases. Not to mention missed days of work and caregiver strain, the losses are insurmountable. Motivational interviewing (MI)

Harm reduction in cardiovascular disease is a significant problem worldwide. Providers, families, and healthcare agencies are feeling the burdens imparted by these diseases. Not to mention missed days of work and caregiver strain, the losses are insurmountable. Motivational interviewing (MI) is gaining momentum as a method of stimulating change through intrinsic motivation by resolving ambivalence toward change (Ma, Zhou, Zhou, & Huang, 2014).

If practitioners can find methods of educating the public in a culturally-appropriate and sensitive manner, and if they can work with community stakeholders to organize our resources to make them more accessible to the people, we may find that simple lifestyle changes can lead to risk reduction of cardiovascular diseases. By working with our community leaders and identifying barriers unique to each population, we can make positive impacts on a wide range of issues that markedly impact our healthcare systems.

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Improving Pediatric Asthma Management: A Quality Improvement Project

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Purpose: To educate clinic staff on interventions and education materials which are suitable for implementation in a pediatric primary care setting, and to improve delivery and documentation of appropriate asthma interventions and inhaler/spacer education.

Background: Asthma is a chronic illness that

Purpose: To educate clinic staff on interventions and education materials which are suitable for implementation in a pediatric primary care setting, and to improve delivery and documentation of appropriate asthma interventions and inhaler/spacer education.

Background: Asthma is a chronic illness that impacts 10.9% of the pediatric population in Arizona. Poor asthma understanding and management leads to high-utilization of emergency rooms and urgent care clinics, negatively impacting the healthcare economy. Poor asthma management also leads to decreased health outcomes and impacts on the child’s academic functioning, mental health, and overall quality of life. Current evidence supports use of written asthma action plans (WAAP) and inhaler/spacer instruction to improve asthma management.

Methods: The intervention was an evidence-based educational session provided to the staff of a military, pediatric primary care clinic in southwest Arizona regarding the use of WAAP, the Asthma Control Test (ACT) and integrated inhaler/spacer instruction. Chart reviews were conducted to evaluate the documentation of use of WAAP, ACT, and inhaler/spacer education.

Results: Charts were collected from pre-intervention (n = 33) and post-intervention (n = 18). Data analysis demonstrated a statistically significant higher use of WAAP (U = 0.008, p < 0.05, d = 0.83). Although there was not a statistically significant change in use of ACT tool, Cohen’s value (d = 0.48) suggested a moderate positive effect. A Pearson correlation coefficient was also calculated for the relationship between use of ACT tool and use of WAAP, demonstrating a moderate positive correlation (r (49) = .372, p < .01).

Conclusions: An evidence-based education session for pediatric staff members is a cost-effective and simple method of improving pediatric asthma management practices.
Date Created

Addressing Obesity in Hispanic Families Through a Family Centered Approach: An Educational Intervention for Providers

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Current obesity statistics exceed national goals with Hispanics disproportionately affected. Evidence suggests a family centered methodology focusing on culture can positively improve weight loss, client satisfaction and participation. This project will evaluate use of culturally tailored resources for primary care

Current obesity statistics exceed national goals with Hispanics disproportionately affected. Evidence suggests a family centered methodology focusing on culture can positively improve weight loss, client satisfaction and participation. This project will evaluate use of culturally tailored resources for primary care providers to educate Hispanics on weight loss. Eight providers in a small practice in the Southwestern US were recruited to complete a pre- and postEBPAS tool after an educational session. A BMI form tracked provider use of the fotonovela intervention against preferred methods.

Feedback on time spent educating and overall perception were collected. Four providers completed the pre-EBPAS, three completed the post-, one participated in the intervention, and six contributed project feedback. Descriptive statistics revealed an aggregate provider decrease of five-points post-educational session for attitude toward adopting EBP. The BMI documentation form demonstrated a 53% (n = 8) use of the fotonovela. However, there were five undocumented fotonovelas taken/given out postintervention. Key themes noted by providers included poor timing of the project, satisfaction with workflow and resources, and overall discontent for the fotonovela. Future implications include re-evaluating the project in a practice not undergoing significant changes with specific focus on timing of the intervention.

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