Supporting All Learners: A Study of Engineering Faculty Professional Development, Values, and Mentorship within a Community of Practice Model

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One of the primary aims of this action research study was to understand what happens when engineering faculty, staff, and faculty mentors engage in a professional development opportunity focused on improving instructional practices and faculty-student interactions. Since action research is

One of the primary aims of this action research study was to understand what happens when engineering faculty, staff, and faculty mentors engage in a professional development opportunity focused on improving instructional practices and faculty-student interactions. Since action research is aimed at using innovation to engage with a local problem of practice, for this research a Teaching Community of Practice Virtual Book Study (TCPVBS) innovation was designed, implemented, and studied. This study utilized a qualitatively driven Mixed Methods Action Research (MMAR) approach. Using Communities of Practice and Expectancy Value Theory as the primary guiding theoretical frameworks, the TCPVBS innovation was designed to prioritize a learner-centered approach, fostering collaborative knowledge construction among participants on book study topics through learning materials designed to promote an inclusive lens. Participants in the study included faculty, faculty mentors, and staff at Southwest University, primarily in the College of Engineering. Data was collected in the form of pre- and post-surveys, meeting artifacts, a focus group, semi-structured individual interviews, and reflection journals. A thematic analysis was conducted using codebooks. The study concluded that a faculty book study was a valuable learning opportunity for teaching professional development. Further research is needed to understand how instructional practices and student outcomes are impacted by the TCPVBS innovation. Implications for future research related to engineering faculty culture and embedding an inclusive lens are presented and discussed.
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