Harp Basics with Jacquelyn McAllister

The goal of this project is to create a lesson book to guide teachers and beginner students through the first six months of teaching and learning and to create a strong base of knowledge the student can draw upon throughout

The goal of this project is to create a lesson book to guide teachers and beginner students through the first six months of teaching and learning and to create a strong base of knowledge the student can draw upon throughout their time playing the harp. This lesson book is organized in three distinct sections: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. The sections were named to levels to more accurately describe the difficulty of the exercises and content. The lessons are designed to occur once a week so that each section may take two months to complete for a total of six months. The timing of the lessons are ultimately up to the teacher and student, however, as some may need more time while others can progress faster. The lessons are planned to last about 30 minutes, as longer would be difficult for the young student to sit still and pay attention, although the length of the lesson is also up to the teacher and the student. Attached to the lessons are links to the pieces so that the teacher and student may hear how the piece sounds before playing it.
Date Created