Team Workload in Action Teams

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A key contribution of human factors engineering is the concept of workload: a construct that represents the relationship between an operator’s cognitive resources, the demands of their task, and performance. Understanding workload can lead to improvements in safety and performance

A key contribution of human factors engineering is the concept of workload: a construct that represents the relationship between an operator’s cognitive resources, the demands of their task, and performance. Understanding workload can lead to improvements in safety and performance for people working in critical environments, particularly within action teams. Recently, there has been interest in considering how the workload of a team as a whole may differ from that of an individual, prompting investigation into team workload as a distinct team-level construct. In empirical research, team-level workload is often considered as the sum or average of individual team members' workloads. However, the intrinsic characteristics of action teams—such as interdependence and heterogeneity—challenge this assumption, and traditional methods of measuring team workload might be unsuitable. This dissertation delves into this issue with a review of empirical work in action teams, pinpointing several gaps. Next, the development of a testbed is described and used to address two pressing gaps regarding the impact of interdependence and how team communications relate to team workload states and performance. An experiment was conducted with forty 3-person teams collaborating in an action team task. Results of this experiment suggest that the traditional way of measuring workload in action teams via subjective questionnaires averaged at the team level has some major shortcomings, particularly when demands are elevated, and action teams are highly interdependent. The results also suggested that several communication measures are associated with increases in demands, laying the groundwork for team-level communication-based measures of team workload. The results are synthesized with findings from the literature to provide a way forward for conceptualizing and measuring team workload in action teams.
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An Exploration of Resilience for Complex Sociotechnical Human, Artificial Intelligence, and Robot Teams

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What makes a human, artificial intelligence, and robot team (HART) succeed despite unforeseen challenges in a complex sociotechnical world? Are there personalities that are better suited for HARTs facing the unexpected? Only recently has resilience been considered specifically at the

What makes a human, artificial intelligence, and robot team (HART) succeed despite unforeseen challenges in a complex sociotechnical world? Are there personalities that are better suited for HARTs facing the unexpected? Only recently has resilience been considered specifically at the team level, and few studies have addressed team resilience for HARTs. Team resilience here is defined as the ability of a team to reorganize team processes to rebound or morph to overcome an unforeseen challenge. A distinction from the individual, group, or organizational aspects of resilience for teams is how team resilience trades off with team interdependent capacity. The following study collected data from 28 teams comprised of two human participants (recruited from a university populace) and a synthetic teammate (played by an experienced experimenter). Each team completed a series of six reconnaissance missions presented to them in a Minecraft world. The research aim was to identify how to better integrate synthetic teammates for high-risk, high-stress dynamic operations to boost HART performance and HART resilience. All team communications were orally over Zoom. The primary manipulation was the communication given by the synthetic teammate (between-subjects, Task or Task+): Task only communicated the essentials, and Task+ offered clear and concise communications of its own capabilities and limitations. Performance and resilience were measured using a primary mission task score (based upon how many tasks teams completed), time-based measures (such as how long it took to recognize a problem or reorder team processes), and a subjective team resilience score (calculated from participant responses to a survey prompt). The research findings suggest the clear and concise reminders from Task+ enhanced HART performance and HART resilience during high-stress missions in which the teams were challenged by novel events. An exploratory study regarding what personalities may correlate with these improved performance metrics indicated that the Big Five trait taxonomies of extraversion and conscientiousness were positively correlated, whereas neuroticism was negatively correlated with higher HART performance and HART resilience. Future integration of synthetic teammates must consider the types of communications that will be offered to maximize HART performance and HART resilience.
Date Created