Urban Heat: A Sustainability Challenge Crossing Traditional Boundaries

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Cities globally are experiencing substantial warming due to ongoing urbanization and climate change. However, existing efforts to mitigate urban heat focus mainly on new technologies, exacerbate social injustices, and ignore the need for a sustainability lens that considers environmental, social,

Cities globally are experiencing substantial warming due to ongoing urbanization and climate change. However, existing efforts to mitigate urban heat focus mainly on new technologies, exacerbate social injustices, and ignore the need for a sustainability lens that considers environmental, social, and economic perspectives. Heat in urban areas is amplified and urgently needs to be considered as a critical sustainability issue that crosses disciplinary and sectoral (traditional) boundaries. The missing urgency is concerning because urban overheating is a multi-faceted threat to the well-being and performance of individuals as well as the energy efficiency and economy of cities. Urban heat consequences require transformation in ways of thinking by involving the best available knowledge engaging scientists, policymakers, and communities. To do so, effective heat mitigation planning requires a considerable amount of diverse knowledge sources, yet urban planners face multiple barriers to effective heat mitigation, including a lack of usable, policy-relevant science and governance structures. To address these issues, transdisciplinary approaches, such as co-production via partnerships and the creation of usable, policy-relevant science, are necessary to allow for sustainable and equitable heat mitigation that allow cities to work toward multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using a systems approach. This dissertation presents three studies that contribute to a sustainability lens on urban heat, improve the holistic and multi-perspective understanding of heat mitigation strategies, provide contextual guidance for reflective pavement as a heat mitigation strategy, and evaluate a multilateral, sustainability-oriented, co-production partnership to foster heat resilience equitably in cities. Results show that science and city practice communicate differently about heat mitigation strategies while both avoid to communicate disservices and trade-offs. Additionally, performance evaluation of heat mitigation strategies for decision-making needs to consider multiple heat metrics, people, and background climate. Lastly, the partnership between science, city practice, and community needs to be evaluated to be accountable and provide a pathway of growth for all partners. The outcomes of this dissertation advance research and awareness of urban heat for science, practice, and community, and provide guidance to improve holistic and sustainable decision-making in cities and partnerships to address SDGs around urban heat.
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