Accidental and Restored Wetlands of the Lower Salt River: A Portrait of Biodiversity and Community Composition Over a Decade of Urbanization

Urban wetland ecosystems provide myriad ecosystem services and are shaped by diverse social and ecological factors. In rapidly urbanizing parts of the desert Southwest, wetlands are especially vital. Across less than 60 km as it enters the Phoenix area, the

Urban wetland ecosystems provide myriad ecosystem services and are shaped by diverse social and ecological factors. In rapidly urbanizing parts of the desert Southwest, wetlands are especially vital. Across less than 60 km as it enters the Phoenix area, the Salt River is dammed, diverted, re-filled, clear-cut, restored, and ignored. This study documents how animal and plant communities in three perennially inundated reaches of the river changed over a decade under different social-ecological pressures. One wetland in the urban core is restored, another formed accidentally by human infrastructure, and the last is managed on the urban periphery. Surveys conducted since 2012 used point-count surveys to assess bird communities and visual encounter surveys to assess reptiles and amphibians. Plant communities were surveyed in 2012 and 2022 using cover classes. Between 2012 and 2022, accidental and restored wetlands close to the urban core displayed an increase in plant abundance, largely consisting of introduced species. While all sites saw an increase in plant species considered invasive by land management groups, both urban wetlands saw an increase in regionally native species, including plants that are culturally significant to local Indigenous groups. Reptile communities declined in richness and abundance in both urban sites, but birds grew in abundance and richness at the urban restored site while not changing at the urban accidental wetland. The non-urban site saw stable populations of both birds and herpetofauna. These trends in biotic communities reveal ecological tradeoffs under different management strategies for urban wetlands. These findings also create a portrait of wetland communities along a rapidly urbanizing arid river. As the Salt River watershed becomes more urbanized, it is important to establish a more empathetic and informed relationship between its plant and animal—including human—residents. To this end, these data were incorporated in a series of handmade paper artworks, crafted from the most abundant wetland plant species found at the study sites, harvested alongside local land management efforts. These artworks examine the potential of four common cosmopolitan wetland plants for papermaking, revealing the potential to align ecosystem management efforts with both materials production and fine arts. By using relief printmaking to visualize long-term ecological data, I explored an alternative, more creative and embodied way to engage with and visualize urban wetland communities. This alternate mode of engagement can complement ecological management and research to diversify disciplines and participants engaged with understanding and living alongside urban wetlands.
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