Multidegrees of Binomial Edge Ideals

We studied binomial edge ideals, which are at the intersection of graph theory and abstract algebra. Our focus was the multidegrees of these ideals, which contain valuable geometric information. We proved algebraic results that allowed us to write a closed

We studied binomial edge ideals, which are at the intersection of graph theory and abstract algebra. Our focus was the multidegrees of these ideals, which contain valuable geometric information. We proved algebraic results that allowed us to write a closed formula for the multidegree of the binomial edge ideal of a graph based on combinatorial properties of the graph. Then we discovered methods to make the process more efficient. We concluded our research by using our results to find the multidegrees of the binomial edge ideals of many families of graphs.
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Generalizations of the Signed Selmer Groups for Cyclotomic Extensions

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Let $E$ be an elliptic curve defined over a number field $K$, $p$ a rational prime, and $\Lambda(\Gamma)$ the Iwasawa module of the cyclotomic extension of $K$. A famous conjecture by Mazur states that the $p$-primary component of the Selmer

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve defined over a number field $K$, $p$ a rational prime, and $\Lambda(\Gamma)$ the Iwasawa module of the cyclotomic extension of $K$. A famous conjecture by Mazur states that the $p$-primary component of the Selmer group of $E$ is $\Lambda(\Gamma)$-cotorsion when $E$ has good ordinary reduction at all primes of $K$ lying over $p$. The conjecture was proven in the case that $K$ is the field of rationals by Kato, but is known to be false when $E$ has supersingular reduction type. To salvage this result, Kobayashi introduced the signed Selmer groups, which impose stronger local conditions than their classical counterparts. Part of the construction of the signed Selmer groups involves using Honda's theory of commutative formal groups to define a canonical system of points. In this paper I offer an alternate construction that appeals to the Functional Equation Lemma, and explore a possible way of generalizing this method to elliptic curves defined over $p$-adic fields by passing from formal group laws to formal modules.
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