Investigating the Cultural History of Fortune Telling from the Catholic Communities in
Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina


The guiding research question was: How and with which criteria does the public in the Balkan countries of Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina determine which fortune telling methods are or aren’t acceptable in the Catholic community setting? Detailed individual interviews

The guiding research question was: How and with which criteria does the public in the Balkan countries of Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina determine which fortune telling methods are or aren’t acceptable in the Catholic community setting? Detailed individual interviews with individuals from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were used to try developing an answer to the question. The interview question topics ranged from fortune telling to more religious and culturally focused. With 8 female interviewees being willing to answer question, significant insight into the communities revealed the divisions of catholic vs. secular, older vs. younger, and coast vs. inland. Their insight led to the conclusion that Catholic communities in Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina determine the acceptability of a fortune telling method based on their familiarity with it from knowledge passed down through elders and their cultural history.

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