The Art of Connecting People With Nature and Each Other Through Biophilic Design


This thesis examines the benefit and need to integrate biophilic design strategies in modern architectural buildings. It discusses the extreme dissociation humanity has experienced from nature in the technological age, and the negative effects therein. Additionally, it dives into the

This thesis examines the benefit and need to integrate biophilic design strategies in modern architectural buildings. It discusses the extreme dissociation humanity has experienced from nature in the technological age, and the negative effects therein. Additionally, it dives into the way modern advancements have also led to a reliance upon artificial interfacing between individuals, rather than a traditional, in-person, face-to-face connection. This will further define biophilic design strategies, case studies and inspiration images of buildings in which they are already implemented, and how they can be utilized more. Lastly, it describes and displays a design concept for a youth center located at G.R. Herberger Park, interacting with the Central Arizona Project Canal. This project ultimately will be the first step in reconnecting people with nature and with each other, hopefully creating a butterfly effect that will spread throughout the city, state, and eventually the country.

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