Global Mindset: What Is It and How Can ASU Students Develop One?


In this essay, I will use my existing knowledge of a global mindset alongside additional research to explore how college students like myself can develop a global mindset, and I will provide my best recommendations for how a student at

In this essay, I will use my existing knowledge of a global mindset alongside additional research to explore how college students like myself can develop a global mindset, and I will provide my best recommendations for how a student at Arizona State University can take advantage of the resources available to develop their own global mindset.

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Living to Work Versus Working to Live: The Importance of Understanding Culture in Business


This project focuses on the importance of understanding culture in business. It is a cultural analysis of emphasis on work, happiness, and success in business. My topic came about through my own personal experience with multiple cultures, and my curiosity

This project focuses on the importance of understanding culture in business. It is a cultural analysis of emphasis on work, happiness, and success in business. My topic came about through my own personal experience with multiple cultures, and my curiosity as to whether or not I could draw a conclusion supporting "living to work" or "working to live" as a superior way to live.

Date Created