Smart Driving Technology for Non-Invasive Detection of Age-Related Cognitive Decline

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Alzheimer's Related Dementias (ADRD) is projected to affect 50 million people globally in the coming decades. Clinical research suggests that Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a precursor to dementia, offers a critical window for lifestyle interventions to

Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Alzheimer's Related Dementias (ADRD) is projected to affect 50 million people globally in the coming decades. Clinical research suggests that Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a precursor to dementia, offers a critical window for lifestyle interventions to delay or prevent the progression of AD/ADRD. Previous research indicates that lifestyle changes, including increased physical exercise, reduced caloric intake, and mentally stimulating exercises, can reduce the risk of MCI. Early detection of MCI is challenging due to subtle and often unnoticed cognitive decline, traditionally monitored through infrequent clinical tests. As part of this research, the Smart Driving System was proposed, a novel, unobtrusive, and economical technology to detect early stages of neurodegenerative diseases. This system, leveraging a multi-modal biosensing array (MMS) and AI algorithms, assesses daily driving behavior, offering insights into a driver's cognitive function. The ultimate goal is to develop the Smart Driving Device and App, integrating it into vehicles, and validating its effectiveness in detecting MCI through comprehensive pilot studies. The Smart Driving System represents a breakthrough in AD/ADRD management, promising significant improvements in early detection and offering a scalable, cost-effective solution for monitoring cognitive health in real-world settings.
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Conductance of Silver Modified DNA-Carbon Nanotube Nanomaterials


DNA is useful for electronic applications due to its self-assembly and electronic properties. It can be improved for this purpose through the addition of metal ions. In this experiment, DNA was modified with silver ions and carbon nanotubes were attached

DNA is useful for electronic applications due to its self-assembly and electronic properties. It can be improved for this purpose through the addition of metal ions. In this experiment, DNA was modified with silver ions and carbon nanotubes were attached to both ends. The DNA-CNTs were connected over a 300 nm gap between gold electrodes using cysteamine. The conductance was found to be 1.28*10-4 G0, which is similar to literature values for unmodified DNA. Therefore, modifying DNA with silver ions was not found to significantly improve the conductance. It was also found that smaller applied voltages need to be used because of electrochemistry happening above 1 V.

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