Remote Modulation of Neural Computation in Cell Cultures Using Electric Field and Ultrasound Combinations

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Neural tissue is a delicate system comprised of neurons and their synapses, glial cells for support, and vasculature for oxygen and nutrient delivery. This complexity ultimately gives rise to the human brain, a system researchers have become increasingly interested in

Neural tissue is a delicate system comprised of neurons and their synapses, glial cells for support, and vasculature for oxygen and nutrient delivery. This complexity ultimately gives rise to the human brain, a system researchers have become increasingly interested in replicating for artificial intelligence purposes. Some have even gone so far as to use neuronal cultures as computing hardware, but utilizing an environment closer to a living brain means having to grapple with the same issues faced by clinicians and researchers trying to treat brain disorders. Most outstanding among these are the problems that arise with invasive interfaces. Optical techniques that use fluorescent dyes and proteins have emerged as a solution for noninvasive imaging with single-cell resolution in vitro and in vivo, but feeding in information in the form of neuromodulation still requires implanted electrodes. The implantation process of these electrodes damages nearby neurons and their connections, causes hemorrhaging, and leads to scarring and gliosis that diminish efficacy. Here, a new approach for noninvasive neuromodulation with high spatial precision is described. It makes use of a combination of ultrasound, high frequency acoustic energy that can be focused to submillimeter regions at significant depths, and electric fields, an effective tool for neuromodulation that lacks spatial precision when used in a noninvasive manner. The hypothesis is that, when combined in a specific manner, these will lead to nonlinear effects at neuronal membranes that cause cells only in the region of overlap to be stimulated. Computational modeling confirmed this combination to be uniquely stimulating, contingent on certain physical effects of ultrasound on cell membranes. Subsequent in vitro experiments led to inconclusive results, however, leaving the door open for future experimentation with modified configurations and approaches. The specific combination explored here is also not the only untested technique that may achieve a similar goal.
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