Chemical Reactions of Planetary Materials Under Extreme Redox Conditions

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Hydrogen is the main constituent of stars, and thus dominates the protoplanetary disc from which planets are born. Many planets may at some point in their growth have a high-pressure interface between refractory planetary materials and ahydrogen-dominated atmosphere. However, little

Hydrogen is the main constituent of stars, and thus dominates the protoplanetary disc from which planets are born. Many planets may at some point in their growth have a high-pressure interface between refractory planetary materials and ahydrogen-dominated atmosphere. However, little experimental data for these materials at the relevant pressure-temperature conditions exists. I have experimentally explored the interactions between planetary materials and hydrogen at high P-T conditions utilizing the pulsed laser-heated diamond-anvil cell. First, I found that ferric/ferrous iron (as Fe2O3 hematite and (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase) are reduced to metal by hydrogen: Fe2O3 + 4H2 → 2FeO + H2O + 3H2 → 2FeH + 3H2O and (Mg1−xFex) O + 3/2 xH2 → xFeH + (1 − x) MgO + xH2O respectively. This reduction of iron by hydrogen is important because it produces iron metal and water from iron oxide. This can partition H into the core (as FeH) or mantle (as H2O/OH−) of a growing planet. Next, I expanded my starting materials to silicates. I conducted experiments on San Carlos Olivine at pressures of 5-42 GPa. In the presence hydrogen, I observed the breakdown of molten magnesium silicate and the reduction of both iron and silicon to metal, forming alloys of both Fe-H and Fe-Si: Mg2SiO4 + 2H2 + 3Fe → 2MgO + FeSi + 2FeH + 2H2O. Similar experiments using natural fayalite (Fe2SiO4) as a starting material at pressures of 5-21 GPa yielded similar results. Hydrogen reduced iron to metal as it did in experiments with iron oxides. Unlike with San Carlos olivine, above 10 GPa silicon remained oxidized, implying the following reaction: Fe2SiO4 + 3H2 → 2FeH+2H2O +SiO2. However, below 7 GPa, silicon reduces and alloys with iron. The formation of Fe-Si alloys from silicates facilitated by hydrogen could have important effects for core composition in growing planets. I also observed at low pressures (<10 GPa), quenched iron melt can trap more hydrogen than previously thought (H/Fe nearly 2 instead of 1). This may have important effects for the chemical sequestration of a hydrogen atmosphere at shallow depths in an early magma ocean. All of the experimental work presented herein show that the composition, chemical partitioning, and phase stability of the condensed portion of growing planets can be modified via interaction with overlaying or ingassed volatile species.
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