State-of-Health Characterization to Estimate Battery Degradation for Second-Life Applications

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This paper aims to analyze and estimate the factors affecting the State of Health (SoH) of lithium-ion batteries by leveraging advanced evaluation of electrical and chemo-mechanical processes contributing to degradation. The focus was on characterization and collection of empirical battery

This paper aims to analyze and estimate the factors affecting the State of Health (SoH) of lithium-ion batteries by leveraging advanced evaluation of electrical and chemo-mechanical processes contributing to degradation. The focus was on characterization and collection of empirical battery cycling data investigating the impact of different input variables on SoH prediction to enable predictions for capacity and degradation to validate reliability for second-life applications. The methodology involves collecting cycling data alongside Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) using a custom test protocol under varied temperatures and charging rates to simulate real-world conditions. The alterations in capacity and the variation of the open circuit voltage with increasing cycles across different temperatures and c rates are also analyzed. The proposed method facilitates a better understanding of the interplay between temperature and C rates on the capacity, open circuit voltage, nominal voltage and EIS response to help estimate the SoH of lithium-ion batteries.
Date Created

Advanced Patterning Process Developments for Various Optical Applications

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Patterning technologies for micro/nano-structures have been essentially used in a variety of discipline research areas, including electronics, optics, material science, and biotechnology. Therefore their importance has dramatically increased over the past decades. This dissertation presents various advanced patterning processes utilizing

Patterning technologies for micro/nano-structures have been essentially used in a variety of discipline research areas, including electronics, optics, material science, and biotechnology. Therefore their importance has dramatically increased over the past decades. This dissertation presents various advanced patterning processes utilizing cross-discipline technologies, e.g., photochemical deposition, transfer printing (TP), and nanoimprint lithography (NIL), to demonstrate inexpensive, high throughput, and scalable manufacturing for advanced optical applications. The polymer-assisted photochemical deposition (PPD) method is employed in the form of additive manufacturing (AM) to print ultra-thin (< 5 nm) and continuous film in micro-scaled (> 6.5 μm) resolution. The PPD film acts as a lossy material in the Fabry-Pérot cavity structures and generates vivid colored images with a micro-scaled resolution by inducing large modulation of reflectance. This PPD-based structural color printing performs without photolithography and vacuum deposition in ambient and room-temperature conditions, which enables an accessible and inexpensive process (Chapter 1). In the TP process, germanium (Ge) is used as the nucleation layer of noble metallic thin films to prevent structural distortion and improve surface morphology. The developed Ge-assisted transfer printing (GTP) demonstrates its feasibility transferring sub-100 nm features with up to 50 nm thickness in a centimeter scale. The GTP is also capable of transferring arbitrary metallic nano-apertures with minimal pattern distortion, providing relatively less expensive, simpler, and scalable manufacturing (Chapter 2). NIL is employed to fabricate the double-layered chiral metasurface for polarimetric imaging applications. The developed NIL process provides multi-functionalities with a single NIL, i.e., spacing layer, planarized surface, and formation of dielectric gratings, respectively, which significantly reduces fabrication processing time and potential cost by eliminating several steps in the conventional fabrication process. During the integration of two metasurfaces, the Moiré fringe based alignment method is employed to accomplish the alignment accuracy of less than 200 nm in both x- and y-directions, which is superior to conventional photolithography. The dramatically improved optical performance, e.g., highly improved circular polarization extinction ratio (CPER), is also achieved with the developed NIL process (Chapter 3).
Date Created