Hyphenated Microfluidic and MALDI Mass Spectrometry Platform for Targeted Intracellular Protein Analysis

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Understanding cellular processes can provide insight into disease pathogenesis and reveal critical information for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. As key executors and signaling regulators, proteins carry relevant information not available from genomics and transcriptomics. Cell-to-cell differences significantly affect disease incidence

Understanding cellular processes can provide insight into disease pathogenesis and reveal critical information for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. As key executors and signaling regulators, proteins carry relevant information not available from genomics and transcriptomics. Cell-to-cell differences significantly affect disease incidence and drug responses, generating a need for protein analysis at the single-cell level. However, quantitative protein analysis at the single-cell level remains challenging due to the low protein amount in a single cell and the proteome complexity. It requires sensitive detection techniques and appropriate sample preparation and delivery to the detection area. Here, a microfluidic platform in tandem with matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) has been developed for targeted intracellular protein analysis. The elastomeric multi-layer microfluidic platform, termed MIMAS, was designed as a series of 8.75 nL wells separated by pneumatic valves. The MIMAS platform allows cell loading, sample processing on-chip, and further in situ mass spectrometry analysis. The sample processing includes cell lysis, immunocapture, tryptic digestion and MALDI matrix solution loading for co-crystallization. This work demonstrates that the MIMAS approach is suitable for protein quantification by assessing the apoptotic protein Bcl-2 from MCF-7 breast cancer cells using an isotope-labeled peptide. The limit of detection was determined as 11.22 nM, equivalent to 5.91 x 10^7 protein molecules per well. Moreover, the MIMAS platform design was improved, allowing the successful quantification of Bcl-2 protein in small cell ensembles down to ~10 cells in 4 nL wells. Furthermore, the MIMAS platform was integrated with laser capture microdissection (LCM) for protein analysis from post-mortem human tissues. Intracellular amyloid-β peptide (Aβ), a hallmark of Alzheimer’s Disease, was assessed from human brain tissue using the LCM-MIMAS. The successful detection of Aβ from small cell ensembles (20 sliced pyramidal cells) demonstrated the LCM-MIMAS capability of assessing intracellular proteins from specific tissue cell subpopulations. The MIMAS approach is a promising tool for intracellular protein analysis from small cell ensembles, with the potential for single-cell analysis. It allows for protein analysis towards the understanding of biological phenomena for clinical and biological research.
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