Engineering Synechococcus sp. UTEX 2973 and Devising Carbon Dioxide Uptake Strategies for Amino Acid and Bioplastic Production

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Amino acids and related targets are typically produced by well-characterized heterotrophs including Corynebacterium glutamicum and Escherichia coli. Recent efforts have sought to supplant these sugar-intensive processes through the metabolic engineering of cyanobacteria, which instead can directly utilize atmospheric carbon dioxide

Amino acids and related targets are typically produced by well-characterized heterotrophs including Corynebacterium glutamicum and Escherichia coli. Recent efforts have sought to supplant these sugar-intensive processes through the metabolic engineering of cyanobacteria, which instead can directly utilize atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and sunlight. One of the most promising among recently discovered photoautotrophic strains is Synechococcus elongatus UTEX 2973 (hereafter UTEX 2973), which has been reported to have doubling times as low as 1.5 hours. While encouraging, there are still major challenges preventing the widespread industrial acceptance of engineered cyanobacteria, chief among them is the scarcity of genetic tools and parts with which to engineer production strains. Here, UTEX 2973 was engineered to overproduce L-lysine through the heterologous expression of feedback-resistant copies of aspartokinase lysC and the L-lysine exporter ybjE from Escherichia coli, as aided by the characterization of novel combinations of genetic parts and expression sites. At maximum, using a plasmid-based expression system, a L-lysine titer of 556 ± 62.3 mg/L was attained after 120 hours, surpassing a prior report of photoautotrophic L-lysine bioproduction. Modular extension of the pathway then led to the novel photosynthetic production of the corresponding diamine cadaverine (55.3 ± 6.7 mg/L by 96 hours) and dicarboxylate glutarate (67.5 ± 2.2 mg/L by 96 hours). Lastly, mass transfer experiments were carried out to determine if the solubility of CO2 in and its rate of mass transfer to BG-11 media could be improved by supplementing it with various amines, including cadaverine. Ultimately, however, cyanobacteria grown in the presence of all tested amines was worse than in BG-11 alone, demonstrating the need for additional tolerance engineering to successfully implement this strategy.
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