Precarious Lives in the Late Prehispanic Andes: A Bioarchaeological Study of Physical Violence and its Legacies in the North-Central Highlands

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Violence has been characterized as a force for both political change and maintenance of the status quo in human societies. The present study examines how outbreaks of violent events led to a legacy of prolonged warfare among neighboring communities and

Violence has been characterized as a force for both political change and maintenance of the status quo in human societies. The present study examines how outbreaks of violent events led to a legacy of prolonged warfare among neighboring communities and shaped the formation of new political institutions during the late prehispanic era in the North-Central Andes. Drawing on data collected through archaeological excavation, osteological analysis of human remains, and radiocarbon dating, this work reconstructs life and death histories of 287 individuals recovered from nine archaeological sites to investigate diachronic patterns in physical violence. The observed individuals inhabited settlements located within the high-altitude, mountainous terrain of the Callejón de Huaylas, a region that has received little attention from bioarchaeologists, and the majority lived during the Late Intermediate Period (1000-1450 CE). Archaeological research has indicated local livelihoods changed significantly around 1000 CE. In the wake of Wari state disintegration and an increasingly arid climate, communities faced a series of social, political, and economic transformations. Less is known about how these shifts affected embodied practices of violence in the region. This study documents a stark change in who experienced head injuries during the Late Intermediate Period, as compared to data from preceding eras. Individuals of all ages exhibited both antemortem and perimortem trauma throughout the four and a half centuries. Results reveal people experienced novel forms of physical violence beginning in the mid-1200s—not only did more individuals sustain head injuries, including juveniles, but the inflicted trauma was more lethal and severe at this time. These trauma patterns persisted for generations, continuing through Inka conquest around 1450 CE. The frequency and type of observed cranial trauma are consistent with warfare documented ethnographically among some small-scale societies, suggesting an association between violence and political autonomy. Beyond identifying cultural transformations in victim identities and intergroup dynamics, this research contributes to a growing body of work across the Americas investigating mounting evidence of social strife and conflict from the 13th to 15th centuries. Finally, it sheds light on intergenerational consequences of violent actions by centering individual experiences within contexts of long-term historical trajectories.
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