Quantum Aspects of Black Holes in the Large Dimension Limit

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In this dissertation I discuss about calculating one-loop partition function on curved spacetimes and various approaches to build symmetries of gravitational systems, and extending the analysis to the large dimensional spacetimes. I show the calculations pertaining to the contributions to

In this dissertation I discuss about calculating one-loop partition function on curved spacetimes and various approaches to build symmetries of gravitational systems, and extending the analysis to the large dimensional spacetimes. I show the calculations pertaining to the contributions to the one-loop determinant for transverse trace-less gravitons in an $n + 3$-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole background in the large dimension limit, due to the $SO(n+2)$-type tensor and vector fluctuations, using the quasinormal mode method. Accordingly I find the quasinormal modes for these fluctuations as a function of a fiducial mass parameter $\Delta$. I show that the behavior of the one-loop determinant at large $\Delta$ accords with a heat kernel curvature expansion in one lower dimension, lending further evidence towards a membrane picture for black holes in the large dimension limit. I also find that the analysis of building one-loop determinants is similar to that of the AdS, thus serving as a motivation to explore this emergent symmetry in detail. For this, I first build these symmetries for Kerr-(A)dS black holes in arbitrary dimensions and then extend this analysis to the large dimensional Schwarzschild black hole. To study the former, in this dissertation, I discuss how to generalize the notion of hidden conformal symmetry in Kerr/CFT to Kerr-(A)dS black holes in arbitrary dimensions. I also discuss the results on building the $SL(2, R)$ generators directly from the Killing tower, whose Killing tensors and Killing vectors enforce the separability of the equations of motion. This construction amounts to an explicit relationship between hidden conformal symmetries and Killing tensors: I use the Killing tower to build a novel tensor equation connecting the $SL(2,R)$ Casimir with the radial Klein-Gordon operator. For asymptotically flat black holes in four and five dimensions I discuss that the previously known results that were obtained using the ``near-region'' limit and the monodromy method, were recovered. I also perform a monodromy evaluation of the Klein-Gordon scalar wave equation for all Kerr-(A)dS black holes, finding explicit forms for the zero mode symmetry generators. Lastly, I discuss the work on extending this analysis to the large-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole as a step towards building a Large-D/CFT correspondence.
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