Access Balancing in Storage Systems by Labelling Steiner Systems

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A storage system requiring file redundancy and on-line repairability can be represented as a Steiner system, a combinatorial design with the property that every $t$-subset of its points occurs in exactly one of its blocks. Under this representation, files are

A storage system requiring file redundancy and on-line repairability can be represented as a Steiner system, a combinatorial design with the property that every $t$-subset of its points occurs in exactly one of its blocks. Under this representation, files are the points and storage units are the blocks of the Steiner system, or vice-versa. Often, the popularities of the files of such storage systems run the gamut, with some files receiving hardly any attention, and others receiving most of it. For such systems, minimizing the difference in the collective popularity between any two storage units is nontrivial; this is the access balancing problem. With regard to the representative Steiner system, the access balancing problem in its simplest form amounts to constructing either a point or block labelling: an assignment of a set of integer labels (popularity ranks) to the Steiner system's point set or block set, respectively, requiring of the former assignment that the sums of the labelled points of any two blocks differ as little as possible and of the latter that the sums of the labels assigned to the containing blocks of any two distinct points differ as little as possible. The central aim of this dissertation is to supply point and block labellings for Steiner systems of block size greater than three, for which up to this point no attempt has been made. Four major results are given in this connection. First, motivated by the close connection between the size of the independent sets of a Steiner system and the quality of its labellings, a Steiner triple system of any admissible order is constructed with a pair of disjoint independent sets of maximum cardinality. Second, the spectrum of resolvable Bose triple systems is determined in order to label some Steiner 2-designs with block size four. Third, several kinds of independent sets are used to point-label Steiner 2-designs with block size four. Finally, optimal and close to optimal block labellings are given for an infinite class of 1-rotational resolvable Steiner 2-designs with arbitrarily large block size by exploiting their underlying group-theoretic properties.
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