Socio-Cultural Review of Cancer Across Different Continents


Cancer perception is different across each region of the world, which can lead to late diagnosis and death, especially in cancers associated with greater stigma. These perceptions are largely affected by sociocultural, economic, and healthcare infrastructure of the region. It

Cancer perception is different across each region of the world, which can lead to late diagnosis and death, especially in cancers associated with greater stigma. These perceptions are largely affected by sociocultural, economic, and healthcare infrastructure of the region. It is crucial that effective methods are implemented, so that patients do not avoid getting diagnosed and treated

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Trends in Tissue-Specific Cancers

A big part of understanding cancer is understanding the cellular environment itthrives in by analyzing it from a microecological perspective. Humans and other species are affected by different cancer types, and this highlights the notion that there may be a correlation between

A big part of understanding cancer is understanding the cellular environment itthrives in by analyzing it from a microecological perspective. Humans and other species are affected by different cancer types, and this highlights the notion that there may be a correlation between specific tissues and neoplasia prevalence. Research shows that humans are the most susceptible to adenocarcinomas and carcinomas which include the following tissues: lungs, breast, prostate, and pancreas. Furthermore, research shows that adenocarcinoma accounts for 38.5% of all lung cancer cases, 20% of small cell carcinomas, and 2.9% of large cell carcinoma. The incidence of the most common cancer types in humans is consistently increasing annually. This study analyzes trends of tissue-specific cancers across species to examine possible contributors to vulnerability to cancer. I predicted that adenocarcinomas would be the most prevalent cancer type across the tree of life. To test this hypothesis, I reviewed over 130 species that reported equal to or greater than 50 individual necropsy pathology records across 4 classes (Mammalia, amphibia, Reptilia, Aves) and ranked them by neoplasia prevalence. This information was then organized in tables in descending order. The study’s resulting tables and data concluded that the hypothesis was correct. I found that across all species adenocarcinomas were the most common cancer type and account for 30.4% of malignancies reported among species. Future research should investigate how organ size contributes to neoplasia prevalence.
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The Patient Guidance Project: An Undergraduate Science Communication Initiative in Cancer Research

The Patient Guidance Project was created by a team of research assistants in the Arizona Cancer Evolution Center as a source of supplemental education and support for recently diagnosed cancer patients. Extensive background research in the form of literature reviews

The Patient Guidance Project was created by a team of research assistants in the Arizona Cancer Evolution Center as a source of supplemental education and support for recently diagnosed cancer patients. Extensive background research in the form of literature reviews highlighted disparities between the information patients want and are receiving, as well as between average literacy levels of patients and the literacy levels at which cancer information is commonly provided. The Patient Guidance Project has published comprehensive guides for specific types of cancer, which so far include metastatic melanoma, glioblastoma, prostate cancer, oral cancer, kidney cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer. The content of the guides is intended to bridge the gaps in information for patients with an emphasis on treatment options, treatment side effects, and psychological support resources, which surveys have identified as the topics patients want information on most. Written at a sixth-grade literacy level, which over half of adults in the U.S. read at, the guides are meant to be of benefit to as many people as possible. In the future, the team hopes to expand the Patient Guidance Project to include more cancer types, guides in different languages, and multimodal features to increase their effectiveness.
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Models of Evolution in Science Outreach and Public Education

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Public education and involvement with evolutionary theory has long been limited by both the complexity of the subject and societal pushback. Furthermore, effective and engaging evolution education has become an elusive feat that often fails to reflect the types of

Public education and involvement with evolutionary theory has long been limited by both the complexity of the subject and societal pushback. Furthermore, effective and engaging evolution education has become an elusive feat that often fails to reflect the types of questions that evolution research attempts to address. Here, we explore the best methods to present scientific research using interactive educational models to facilitate the learning experience of the audience most effectively. By creating artistic and game-play oriented models, it becomes possible to simplify the multifaceted aspects of evolution research such that it enables a larger, more inclusive, audience to better comprehend these complexities. In allowing the public to engage with highly interactive education materials, the full spectrum of the scientific process, from hypothesis construction to experimental testing, can be experienced and understood. Providing information about current cancer evolution research in a way that is easy to access and understand and accompanying it with an interactive model that reflects this information and reinforces learning shows that research platforms can be translated into interactive teaching tools that make understanding evolutionary theory more accessible.

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