South Korea: The Interplay Between Tradition and Modernity in East Asian Architecture

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The impact traditional East Asian design has had on modern-day East Asian design has not been extensively researched. This paper examines the relationship traditional East Asian architectural design has with more modern styles of design in order to determine and

The impact traditional East Asian design has had on modern-day East Asian design has not been extensively researched. This paper examines the relationship traditional East Asian architectural design has with more modern styles of design in order to determine and compare the extent to which Western-style influences have had an impact in Eastern societies. This research specifically focuses on the country of South Korea and explores various case studies and articles dating from the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910) till present day. By comparing factors related to South Korean culture, the environment, religious philosophies, etc., to architectural trends within the country, we are able to explore the distinct and changing architectural values the society has prioritised over the centuries. This research aims to provide a clearer and more solidified timeline of Korean architectural history which in the past has lacked to address the question revolving around the impact tradition has had on ongoing design trends. I then compare South Korean culture and architecture to other case studies on both East Asian and Western societies in order to determine similarities between past and present architectural styles. The introduction of Western-style architecture in East Asian societies occurred at different critical periods of time and has pushed architectural modernisation to evolve at various speeds and in different directions. By comparing case studies on Japan, China and Korea/South Korea, we are able to explore the various interpretations and the extent to which Western-style design has had influence in this countries. While certain symbolic elements in traditional East Asian architecture have been lost during the modernisation phase of design, there continues to be a link between past and present styles through the emergence of new and improved modern features that have acted as replacements for previous ones. Currently trending in South Korean society is the want to revive and reincorporate traditional architectural features in the city landscape. Perhaps a new vision will emerge where past will become the new modern, and this will encourage an even greater extent of traditional influences on modern architecture in East Asia.

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