Machine Learning and Vision Using Edge Devices for Multimodal Chatbots and Bio-meteorological Sensing

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Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) has become an intrinsic part of multiple fields. The ability to solve complex problems makes machine learning a panacea. In the last few years, there has been an explosion of data generation, which

Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) has become an intrinsic part of multiple fields. The ability to solve complex problems makes machine learning a panacea. In the last few years, there has been an explosion of data generation, which has greatly improvised machine learning models. But this comes with a cost of high computation, which invariably increases power usage and cost of the hardware. In this thesis we explore applications of ML techniques, applied to two completely different fields - arts, media and theater and urban climate research using low-cost and low-powered edge devices. The multi-modal chatbot uses different machine learning techniques: natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV) to understand inputs of the user and accordingly perform in the play and interact with the audience. This system is also equipped with other interactive hardware setups like movable LED systems, together they provide an experiential theatrical play tailored to each user. I will discuss how I used edge devices to achieve this AI system which has created a new genre in theatrical play. I will then discuss MaRTiny, which is an AI-based bio-meteorological system that calculates mean radiant temperature (MRT), which is an important parameter for urban climate research. It is also equipped with a vision system that performs different machine learning tasks like pedestrian and shade detection. The entire system costs around $200 which can potentially replace the existing setup worth $20,000. I will further discuss how I overcame the inaccuracies in MRT value caused by the system, using machine learning methods. These projects although belonging to two very different fields, are implemented using edge devices and use similar ML techniques. In this thesis I will detail out different techniques that are shared between these two projects and how they can be used in several other applications using edge devices.
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