Assessing the Effect of Stigma, Ethnicity, and Comorbidity on Help-Seeking Behavior in College Students with ADHD

Research proposal that aims to assess help-seeking behavior amongst college students with ADHD and see how factors such as stigma, ethnicity, and comorbidity can affect this behavior.
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Predicting Help-Seeking Behaviors in Adult ADHD

A proposal for the investigation of help-seeking and help-seeking behaviors in adults with ADHD. Analyzes pre-existing literature in adults and children and adapts model for children that can be generalized to college students. Proposes a statistical moderation effect between predictors and help-seeking behaviors.
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Assessing Frequency and Predictors of Help-Seeking Behaviors in ADHD

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the gap of information surrounding behaviors and patterns of college students with ADHD. The paper outlines a proposed study to investigate the frequency of different help-seeking behaviors, as well as how predictors (stigma, race/ethnicity, comorbidity) influence the willingness to seek help.
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Predictors of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptom Trajectories During Late Childhood and Early Adolescence Using the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Dataset

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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) impacts 7% of children and is associated with serious impairment throughout the lifespan. Though considered a chronic, stable condition, symptoms fluctuate substantially during adolescence, and symptom trajectory is linked to adult outcomes. A small number of studies

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) impacts 7% of children and is associated with serious impairment throughout the lifespan. Though considered a chronic, stable condition, symptoms fluctuate substantially during adolescence, and symptom trajectory is linked to adult outcomes. A small number of studies have examined symptom trajectory during adolescence, but these have predominately examined demographic predictors. As a neurodevelopmental disorder, ADHD is theorized to arise from deficits in executive functions (EFs). Extant literature identifies three major components of EF- working memory, behavioral inhibition, and set shifting- as interrelated constructs underlying ADHD symptom expression. This study aimed to 1.) identify trajectories of ADHD symptoms, 2.) examine demographic predictors of trajectories, and 3.) examine whether EF predicts symptom trajectory using five timepoints from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study, a large-scale, representative, population-based sample from the United States. 1,605 participants meeting criteria for ADHD included in analyses. ADHD symptoms were measured by parent report on the widely used Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist. Growth Mixture Modeling was used to model trajectories of ADHD symptoms. However, poor entropy indicated trajectories were not clearly differentiated and predictors could not be examined. Therefore, exploratory regression was conducted to examine predictors of ADHD symptom change from baseline to 3-year follow-up. Male sex, medication use, greater than high school parental education, and better EF all predicted increasing ADHD symptoms. Findings must be interpreted with caution due to their exploratory nature and poor validity of the measure used for ADHD symptoms, which was found to have sensitivity of only 22.58%. Given the strong theoretical and empirical link between ADHD symptoms and EF, additional research on the connection between EF and disorder trajectory with more robust measures of EF is warranted.
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Effects of Comorbid Anxiety on Working Memory, Behavioral Inhibition, and Sustained Attention Performance among Children Diagnosed with ADHD

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ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with a high rate of comorbidity with anxiety disorders (25-34%). Children with ADHD experience serious adverse outcomes secondary to impairment in executive function, particularly within the domain of working memory (WM), behavioral inhibition (BI),

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with a high rate of comorbidity with anxiety disorders (25-34%). Children with ADHD experience serious adverse outcomes secondary to impairment in executive function, particularly within the domain of working memory (WM), behavioral inhibition (BI), and sustained attention (SA). While executive function deficits in ADHD are well documented, whether and how comorbid anxiety affects cognitive performance are equivocal. One potential explanation is that most studies examine linear relations, yet evidence suggests that anxiety affects performance in a non-linear (quadratic) manner, consistent with the the Yerkes-Dodson Law. The aim of this study was to investigate whether 1) children with ADHD show deficits in WM, BI, and SA relative to typically developing children, 2) comorbid anxiety displays a linear or nonlinear relationship with WM, BI, and SA performance among children with ADHD and 3) between group differences in cognitive performance vary based on levels of anxiety. Linear and non-linear relations between anxiety and cognitive performance were assessed in a sample of 54 boys diagnosed with ADHD and 50 typically developing boys. Anxiety was assessed across dimensions and raters. Results indicate rater and domain-specific effects of comorbid anxiety on cognitive performance. Non-linear relations between children’s self-rated physiological anxiety and Phonological working memory (PHWM), Visuospatial working memory (VSWM), and the Central Executive (CE) were found. Non-linear relations between parent-rated anxiety and PHWM and the CE were also found. However, no significant linear or non-linear effects of anxiety on BI and SA were found. The results indicate that children with moderate self-rated and parent-rated anxiety performed better on WM measures relative to those with low and high levels of self-rated and parent-rated anxiety. The present study was the first to examine and document non-linear effects of anxiety on cognitive performance among children diagnosed with ADHD. Given the results, clinicians should continue to assess anxiety during diagnostic screening in ADHD samples. Treatments should focus on compensating for CE abilities and mitigating high levels of anxiety as it may further impair WM.

Date Created

Laying the Groundwork: Dynamic Associations Between Physiological and Social Roots of Executive Function Development in a Latent Change Score Framework

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This study aimed to develop a measurement model for executive function (EF) in middle childhood for a low-income Mexican American sample and to elucidate dynamic change processes among measurable developmental correlates of EF during infancy and early toddlerhood as predictors

This study aimed to develop a measurement model for executive function (EF) in middle childhood for a low-income Mexican American sample and to elucidate dynamic change processes among measurable developmental correlates of EF during infancy and early toddlerhood as predictors of later higher-order EF abilities. Drawing from developmental theory and a model of neurovisceral integration, surges in neurocognitive regulatory abilities may be supported by both previous and concurrent changes in physiological functioning and engagement in reciprocal social relationships. Utilizing recent methodological innovations, the current study moved beyond traditional growth models to evaluate possible points of attenuation and acceleration in dyadic reciprocity and vagal functioning over time as well as dynamic associations between these unfolding developmental processes. Data were collected from 322 low-income Mexican American children in the home at 24 weeks and in a laboratory space at ages 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 6 years. A parent-report measure of executive function also was collected over the phone between child age 7.5 and 9 years. Results suggested that, in this sample, EF was best modeled at child age 6 years as a unidimensional construct. Findings also supported the importance of earlier dyadic reciprocity for later EF, but there was a lack of evidence supporting the theorized link between EF and earlier vagal functioning and codevelopment of vagal functioning and dyadic reciprocity. This study highlights the importance of including dyadic measures of parent-child contingencies in studies of EF development and, from a clinical perspective, the potential use of relationship-based, dyadic intervention and prevention models to support crucial development of EF skills central to everyday adaptive functioning.
Date Created