Sublethal Behavioral and Physiological Effects of an Agricultural Fungicide on Honey Bees

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Pollinator populations globally have declined at concerning rates in recent years, which is problematic given that roughly a third of all food production depends on them. Managed honey bee colony losses in particular have alarmed beekeepers and scientists, especially in

Pollinator populations globally have declined at concerning rates in recent years, which is problematic given that roughly a third of all food production depends on them. Managed honey bee colony losses in particular have alarmed beekeepers and scientists, especially in the United States. Widespread agrochemical use has been implicated as one of the major causes of these colony losses. While the lethal effects of agrochemicals often receive the most attention, sublethal effects can occur at lower doses and can substantially weaken colonies over time. Impaired associative learning ability is a sublethal effect of a number of agrochemicals, and is particularly concerning, as it may hinder the abilities of bees to forage for food or find their way back to the colony. Here, I focus on the fungicide Pristine® (active ingredients: 25.2% boscalid, 12.8% pyraclostrobin), which is sprayed on honey bee-pollinated crops during bloom and is known to poison bee mitochondria at ppm levels. First, I show that Pristine® impairs performance on an associative learning assay in the laboratory. Next, I show that Pristine® alters carbohydrate absorption in honey bees, providing a possible mechanism underlying this impaired learning performance. Finally, I demonstrate that Pristine® interacts with high temperatures to induce homing failure in exposed bees. My results raise concerns that this common fungicide may not be safe for pollinators and will be relevant to policymakers as they make decisions surrounding the regulation of fungicide use in agriculture.
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A Mathematical Study on the Emergence of Collective Differences from Individual Variation: The Complex Adaptive Dynamics of Eusocial-insect Colonies

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Variation in living systems and how it cascades across organizational levels is central to biology. To understand the constraints and amplifications of variation in collective systems, I mathematically study how group-level differences emerge from individual variation in eusocial-insect colonies, which

Variation in living systems and how it cascades across organizational levels is central to biology. To understand the constraints and amplifications of variation in collective systems, I mathematically study how group-level differences emerge from individual variation in eusocial-insect colonies, which are inherently diverse and easily observable individually and collectively. Considering collective processes in three species where increasing degrees of heterogeneity are relevant, I address how individual variation scales to colony-level variation and to what degree it is adaptive. In Chapter 2, I introduce a Markov-chain decision model for stochastic individual quorum-based recruitment decisions of rock-ant workers during house hunting, and how they determine collective speed--accuracy balance. Differences in the average threshold-dependent response characteristics of workers between colonies cause collective differences in decision-making. Moreover, noisy behavior may prevent drastic collective cascading into poor nests. In Chapter 3, I develop an ordinary differential equation (ODE) model to study how cognitive diversity among honey-bee foragers influences collective attention allocation between novel and familiar resources. Results provide a mechanistic basis for changes in foraging activity and preference with group composition. Moreover, sensitivity analysis reveals that the main individual driver for foraging allocation shifts from recruitment (communication) to persistence (independent effort) as colony composition changes. This might favor specific degrees of heterogeneity that best amplify communication in wild colonies. Lastly, in Chapter 4, I consider diversity in size, age, and task for nest defense in stingless bees. To better understand how these dimensions of diversity interact to balance defensive demands with other colony needs, I study their effect on colony size and task allocation through a demographic Filippov ODE model. Along each dimension, variation is beneficial in a certain range, outside of which colony adaptation and survival are compromised. This work elucidates how variation in collective properties emerges from nonlinear interactions between varying components in eusocial insects, but it can be generalized to other biological systems with similar fundamental characteristics but less empirical tractability. Moreover, it has the potential of inspiring algorithms that capitalize on heterogeneity in engineered systems where simple components with limited information and no central control must solve complex tasks.
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The Effect of Antennae Movement Restriction on Odor Discrimination in Honeybees (Apis Mellifera)

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Honeybees require the use of their antennae to perceive different scents and pheromones, communicate with other members of the colony, and even detect wind vibrations, sound waves, and carbon dioxide levels. Limiting and/or removing this sense makes bees much less

Honeybees require the use of their antennae to perceive different scents and pheromones, communicate with other members of the colony, and even detect wind vibrations, sound waves, and carbon dioxide levels. Limiting and/or removing this sense makes bees much less effective at acquiring information. However, how antennal movements might be important for olfaction has not been studied in detail. The focus of this work was to evaluate how restriction of antennae movements might affect a bee’s ability to detect and perceive odors. Bees were made to learn a certain odor and were then split up into a control group, a treatment group that had their antennae fixed with eicosane, and a sham treatment group that had a dot of eicosane on their heads in such a way that it would not affect antennae movements but still add the same amount of weight. Following a period of acclimation, the bees were tested with the conditioned odor, one that was perceptually similar to it, and to a dissimilar odor. Using proboscis-extension duration and latency as response measures, it became clear that both antenna fixation and sham treatments affected the conditioned behavior. However, these treatment effects did not reach statistical significance. Briefly, both fixation of antennae as well as the sham treatment reduced the discriminability of the conditioned and similar odors. Although more data can be collected to more fully evaluate the significance of the treatments, the behavior of the sham group could indicate that mechanoreceptive hairs on the head play an important role in olfaction. It is also possible that there are other factors at play, possibly induced by the fixed bees’ increased stress levels.
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