Assessing the Response of Macroinvertebrate Communities to River Flow Dynamics in the Sonoran Desert

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Climate change is causing hydrologic intensification globally by increasing both the frequency and magnitude of floods and droughts. While environmental variation is a key regulator at all levels of ecological organization, such changes to the hydrological cycle that are beyond

Climate change is causing hydrologic intensification globally by increasing both the frequency and magnitude of floods and droughts. While environmental variation is a key regulator at all levels of ecological organization, such changes to the hydrological cycle that are beyond the normal range of variability can have strong impacts on stream and riparian ecosystems within sensitive landscapes, such as the American Southwest. The main objective of this study was to investigate how anomalous hydrologic variability influences macroinvertebrate communities in desert streams. I studied seasonal changes in aquatic macroinvertebrate abundances in eleven streams that encompass a hydrologic gradient across Arizona’s Sonoran Desert. This analysis was coupled with the quantification and assessment of stochastic hydrology to determine influences of flow regimes and discrete events on invertebrate community composition. I found high community variability within sites, illustrated by seasonal measures of beta diversity and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) plots. I observed notable patterns of NMDS data points when invertebrate abundances were summarized by summer versus winter surveys. These results suggest that there is a difference within the communities between summer and winter seasons, irrespective of differences in site hydroclimate. Estimates of beta diversity were the best metric for summarizing and comparing diversity among sites, compared to richness difference and replacement. Seasonal measures of beta diversity either increased, decreased, or stayed constant across the study period, further demonstrating the high variation within and among study sites. Regime shifts, summarized by regime shift frequency (RSF) and mean net annual anomaly (NAA), and anomalous events, summarized by the power of blue noise (Maximum Blue Noise), were the best predictors of macroinvertebrate diversity, and thus should be more widely applied to ecological data. These results suggest that future studies of community composition in freshwater systems should focus on understanding the cause of variation in biodiversity gradients. This study highlights the importance of considering both flow regimes and discrete anomalous events when studying spatial and temporal variation in stream communities.

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