A Floristic Survey of the Phoenix Zoo (Arizona Center for Nature Conservation)

The Phoenix Zoo, also known as the Arizona Center for Nature Conservation (PZ), is an Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accredited zoological institution and among largest-nonprofit, privately-owned zoos in the United States (Smith, 2020). Located within Papago Park in

The Phoenix Zoo, also known as the Arizona Center for Nature Conservation (PZ), is an Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accredited zoological institution and among largest-nonprofit, privately-owned zoos in the United States (Smith, 2020). Located within Papago Park in Phoenix (Maricopa County), Arizona, adjacent to the Desert Botanical Garden (DES), the two combine to bring environmental awareness to the Phoenix Metropolitan Region. While the DES specializes in botanical presentation, the ACNC focuses on zoological education. Whereas the flora of DES is well known, that of ACNC has yet to be completely documented. Given its role as a center for public engagement and education, documenting and mapping the floristic diversity of the Phoenix Zoo provides updated botanical information and occurrence records, an important component of understanding biodiversity for the Phoenix area. Between the fall of 2017 and the Spring of 2021, the grounds of the ACNC were walked within the 2-mile perimeter and surrounding exterior within Papago Park. Plant specimens and photographs were collected and archived for later identification using various botanical keys. Species names were verified through updated botanical databases such as Tropicos.org and worldfloraonline.org and compiled into a checklist. A total of 706 species have been identified, and of those 548 specimens have been collected as specimen vouchers. Of these, 120 are of taxa known to be native to the Phoenix Salt River Valley. While approximately 79 of those previously listed taxa native to Papago Park were either not found during this study or were extirpated from the grounds of the ACNC during urbanization of the region. There are 586 exotic taxa, some are common cultivars, while others are new to the region. Data for this survey is publicly available on SEINet, a regional network of North America herbaria (https://swbiodiversity.org/seinet/), as georeferenced voucher specimens, human observations, and photographs. Data is also partially duplicated through the iNaturalist platform (iNaturalist.com).
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