Conspiracy Talk Among Fan Groups: Narratives Contributing to a Hyperreality

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This thesis explores the dialogue surrounding the perceptions of the 2020 election among "" forum site users. More specifically, I examined the representations that arose from the comments posted by users concerning the current state of elections in America. What

This thesis explores the dialogue surrounding the perceptions of the 2020 election among "" forum site users. More specifically, I examined the representations that arose from the comments posted by users concerning the current state of elections in America. What emerged from the representations was a plethora of conspiracy talk. The preexisting literature establishes a catalog of explanations and contributions as to why conspiracy talk is prominent. Explanations for conspiracy talk in the literature ranged from fandom to paranoia in America. This thesis identifies and analyzes the themes, representations, and emotions that are organically created by forum users, with a special focus on conspiracy talk. The uniqueness of this thesis though is its use of the theory of hyperreality, a theory proposed by Jean Baudrillard, to understand users' social realities. By analyzing the comments collected by the users of the site, I construct a vivid representation of the reality within which commentators reside.
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