The Evaluation, Selection, and Diffusion of Software Innovations Insights and Implications of Systematic Field Placement Software Adoption

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This multi-phase dissertation explores how student placement management software can be evaluated, selected, adopted, and diffused within a university setting, considering multiple stakeholders with varying needs and differing levels of decision-making authority. Utilizing a case study design and Roger’s Diffusion

This multi-phase dissertation explores how student placement management software can be evaluated, selected, adopted, and diffused within a university setting, considering multiple stakeholders with varying needs and differing levels of decision-making authority. Utilizing a case study design and Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation framework (2003), the articles are proposed to generate a guide modeled to improve practice, which is the primary goal of Action Research (Barnett & Muth, 2008). These articles will chronicle lessons learned, offer considerations, and provide helpful resources to strategically adopt a software platform within a university setting. The articles are proposed as follows: 1) Selection of Field Education Management Software in Social Work (v, published May 2020) focusing on the evaluation and selection phases for Social Work programs; and 2) Toward a Decision Support Tool for Selecting Third-Party Student Management Software in Field-based Education (target journal - Springer - Educational Technology Research and Development) which will expand on previous research to a broader audience of student-placing programs and diffusing the software innovation throughout the university setting. Each article will explore a different aspect of the Action Research, the findings which emerged from the study, and provide additional insights and implications to each journal audience.
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