Dynamical System Design for Control of Single and Multiple Non-holonomic Differential Drive Robots Based on Critical Design Trade Studies

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Over the past few decades, there is an increase in demand for various ground robot applications such as warehouse management, surveillance, mapping, infrastructure inspection, etc. This steady increase in demand has led to a significant rise in the nonholonomic differential

Over the past few decades, there is an increase in demand for various ground robot applications such as warehouse management, surveillance, mapping, infrastructure inspection, etc. This steady increase in demand has led to a significant rise in the nonholonomic differential drive vehicles (DDV) research. Albeit extensive work has been done in developing various control laws for trajectory tracking, point stabilization, formation control, etc., there are still problems and critical questions in regards to design, modeling, and control of DDV’s - that need to be adequately addressed. In this thesis, three different dynamical models are considered that are formed by varying the input/output parameters of the DDV model. These models are analyzed to understand their stability, bandwidth, input-output coupling, and control design properties. Furthermore, a systematic approach has been presented to show the impact of design parameters such as mass, inertia, radius of the wheels, and center of gravity location on the dynamic and inner-loop (speed) control design properties. Subsequently, extensive simulation and hardware trade studies have been conductedto quantify the impact of design parameters and modeling variations on the performance of outer-loop cruise and position control (along a curve). In addition to this, detailed guidelines are provided for when a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) control strategy is advisable over a single-input single-output (SISO) control strategy; when a less stable plant is preferable over a more stable one in order to accommodate performance specifications. Additionally, a multi-robot trajectory tracking implementation based on receding horizon optimization approach is also presented. In most of the optimization-based trajectory tracking approaches found in the literature, only the constraints imposed by the kinematic model are incorporated into the problem. This thesis elaborates the fundamental problem associated with these methods and presents a systematic approach to understand and quantify when kinematic model based constraints are sufficient and when dynamic model-based constraints are necessary to obtain good tracking properties. Detailed instructions are given for designing and building the DDV based on performance specifications, and also, an open-source platform capable of handling high-speed multi-robot research is developed in C++.
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