Bayesian Inference for Markov Kernels Valued in Wasserstein Spaces

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In this work, the author analyzes quantitative and structural aspects of Bayesian inference using Markov kernels, Wasserstein metrics, and Kantorovich monads. In particular, the author shows the following main results: first, that Markov kernels can be viewed as Borel measurable

In this work, the author analyzes quantitative and structural aspects of Bayesian inference using Markov kernels, Wasserstein metrics, and Kantorovich monads. In particular, the author shows the following main results: first, that Markov kernels can be viewed as Borel measurable maps with values in a Wasserstein space; second, that the Disintegration Theorem can be interpreted as a literal equality of integrals using an original theory of integration for Markov kernels; third, that the Kantorovich monad can be defined for Wasserstein metrics of any order; and finally, that, under certain assumptions, a generalized Bayes’s Law for Markov kernels provably leads to convergence of the expected posterior distribution in the Wasserstein metric. These contributions provide a basis for studying further convergence, approximation, and stability properties of Bayesian inverse maps and inference processes using a unified theoretical framework that bridges between statistical inference, machine learning, and probabilistic programming semantics.
Date Created

Functorial results for C*-algebras of higher-rank graphs

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Higher-rank graphs, or k-graphs, are higher-dimensional analogues of directed graphs, and as with ordinary directed graphs, there are various C*-algebraic objects that can be associated with them. This thesis adopts a functorial approach to study the relationship between k-graphs and

Higher-rank graphs, or k-graphs, are higher-dimensional analogues of directed graphs, and as with ordinary directed graphs, there are various C*-algebraic objects that can be associated with them. This thesis adopts a functorial approach to study the relationship between k-graphs and their associated C*-algebras. In particular, two functors are given between appropriate categories of higher-rank graphs and the category of C*-algebras, one for Toeplitz algebras and one for Cuntz-Krieger algebras. Additionally, the Cayley graphs of finitely generated groups are used to define a class of k-graphs, and a functor is then given from a category of finitely generated groups to the category of C*-algebras. Finally, functoriality is investigated for product systems of C*-correspondences associated to k-graphs. Additional results concerning the structural consequences of functoriality, properties of the functors, and combinatorial aspects of k-graphs are also included throughout.
Date Created