Improving Expository Text Comprehension in Adolescent Spanish-English Bilingual Learners with Learning Disabilities using a Graphic Organizer

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The purpose of this single case design study was to examine the efficacy of a graphic organizer for improving the reading comprehension of middle school Spanish-English bilingual middle school students with learning disabilities. Students included two females and one male

The purpose of this single case design study was to examine the efficacy of a graphic organizer for improving the reading comprehension of middle school Spanish-English bilingual middle school students with learning disabilities. Students included two females and one male student. Using a multiple baseline across participants design, students were taught to create a funnel map graphic organizer for 10 descriptive text passages. Students’ performance was assessed on their ability to correctly create the funnel map (criterion variable) and to comprehend the expository passages during baseline, intervention, and maintenance phases. Each participant learned to create an accurate funnel map for descriptive texts within four sessions. Reading comprehension scores began to increase within three intervention sessions for each participant. Results showed the positive effect of using the funnel map to improve reading comprehension of descriptive texts. Individual TAU effect sizes (.81 to .92) and overall TAU-U effect sizes (.86) and a Between Cases Standardized Mean Difference (BC-SMD) of 1.87 showed the intervention to be highly effective. Based on the effect sizes, the funnel map was effective for improving the reading comprehension of middle school Spanish-English bilingual students with learning disabilities.
Date Created

The impact of multisensory instruction on learning letter names and sounds, word reading and spelling

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Children with dyslexia have difficulty learning to read. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the use of simultaneous multisensory structured language (multisensory) instruction promoted better letter name and sound production, word reading, and word spelling for second

Children with dyslexia have difficulty learning to read. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the use of simultaneous multisensory structured language (multisensory) instruction promoted better letter name and sound production, word reading, and word spelling for second grade children with typical development (TD; N=6) or with dyslexia (DYS; N=5) than structured language instruction alone. The use of non-English graphemes (letters) to represent two pretend languages were used to control for children’s lexical knowledge.

A multiple baseline, multiple probe across subjects single-case design, paired with an alternating treatments design, was used to compare the efficacy of multisensory and structure language interventions. Participant’s graphed data was visually analyzed and individual Tau-U and weighted Tau-U effect sizes were calculated for the outcome variables: letter name production, letter sound production, word reading, and word spelling.

Both interventions had an overall effect for participants with TD and DYS, though for individual participants intervention effects varied across outcome variables. However, the multisensory intervention did not provide a clear advantage over the structured intervention for participants with TD or DYS.
Date Created