ERK1/2 Signaling in the Development of Long-range Projection Neurons

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Development of the central nervous system is an incredible process that relies on multiple extracellular signaling cues and complex intracellular interactions. Approximately 1500 genes are associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, many of which are linked to a specific biochemical signaling cascade

Development of the central nervous system is an incredible process that relies on multiple extracellular signaling cues and complex intracellular interactions. Approximately 1500 genes are associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, many of which are linked to a specific biochemical signaling cascade known as Extracellular-Signal Regulated Kinase (ERK1/2). Clearly defined mutations in regulators of the ERK1/2 pathway cause syndromes known as the RASopathies. Symptoms include intellectual disability, developmental delay, cranio-facial and cardiac deficits. Treatments for RASopathies are limited due to an in complete understanding of ERK1/2’s role in brain development. Individuals with Neurofibromatosis Type and Noonan Syndrome, the two most common RASopathies, exhibit aberrant functional and white matter organization in non-invasive imaging studies, however, the contributions of neuronal versus oligodendrocyte deficits to this phenotype are not fully understood. To define the cellular functions of ERK1/2 in motor circuit formation, this body of work focuses on two long-range projection neuron subtypes defined by their neurotransmitter. With genetic mouse models, pathological ERK1/2 in glutamatergic neurons reduces axonal outgrowth, resulting in deficits in activity dependent gene expression and the ability to learn a motor skill task. Restricting pathological ERK1/2 within cortical layer V recapitulates these wiring deficits but not the behavioral learning phenotype. Moreover, it is uncovered that pathological ERK1/2 results in compartmentalized expression pattern of phosphorylated ERK1/2. It is not clear whether ERK1/2 functions are similar in cholinergic neuron populations that mediate attention, memory, and motor control. Basal forebrain cholinergic neuron development relies heavily on NGF-TrKA neurotrophic signaling known to activate ERK1/2. Yet the function of ERK1/2 during cholinergic neuronal specification and differentiation is poorly understood. By selectively deleting ERK1/2 in cholinergic neurons, ERK1/2 is required for activity-dependent maturation of neuromuscular junctions in juvenile mice, but not the establishment of lower motor neuron number. Moreover, ERK1/2 is not required for specification of choline acetyltransferase expressing basal forebrain cholinergic neurons by 14 days of age. However, ERK1/2 may be necessary for BFCN maturation by adulthood. Collectively, these data indicate that glutamatergic neuron-autonomous decreases in long-range axonal outgrowth and modest effects on later stages of cholinergic neuron maintenance may be important aspects of neuropathogenesis in RASopathies.
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A Role for SIRT-1 in Dendritic and Spine Morphology of Medium Spiny Neurons in the Nucleus Accumbens

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Major depressive disorders affect 350 million people globally and are the leading cause of disability worldwide. Chronic or prolonged stress can trigger development of depression. Key symptoms of depression are anhedonia, helplessness, and decreased socialization. These behavioral outcomes suggest a

Major depressive disorders affect 350 million people globally and are the leading cause of disability worldwide. Chronic or prolonged stress can trigger development of depression. Key symptoms of depression are anhedonia, helplessness, and decreased socialization. These behavioral outcomes suggest a dysfunction within the brain’s reward system, the mesolimbic system. The nucleus accumbens (NAc) is regarded as the brain’s reward hub, integrating signals from multiple brain regions to influence motivated behavioral output. The NAc consists of medium spiny neurons (MSNs) which represent 95% of the cellular landscape. These neurons can be separated into two distinct groups, dopamine receptor-1 (DR1 or D1) and dopamine receptor-2 (DR2 or D2). Differentiating between these two cell types is ideal as activation results in opposing outcomes. One protein of interest sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) has been found to alter dendritic morphology in brain regions involved in stress. Discovery that SIRT1, a histone deacetylase (HDAC), has cell-type-specific action in the NAc in a mouse model of depression and resulting behavioral changes suggest possible underlying morphological changes. Neuronal morphology includes measurement of the dendritic arbor and dendritic spines, small protrusions from the dendritic shaft. These studies seek to elucidate morphological changes following knockout or overexpression of SIRT1 in either D1-or D2-MSNs in both male and female mice. Results show that SIRT1 overexpression in male D1-MSNs results in a significant increase in stubby spines and a decrease in mushroom spines. Conversely, in female mice with SIRT1 OVEXP in D1-MSNs, there was found a significant increase in mushroom spines accompanied by a significant decrease in stubby spines. The D2-targeted mice also showed significant changes across spine types. In both treatment types, D2- males had a significant increase in stubby spines, filopodia, and thin spines. Females with SIRT1 knocked out had a significant decrease in filopodia and thin spines. SIRT1 overexpression in D2- females showed a significant decrease in stubby spines. These results suggest SIRT1 has a regulatory role in the density of spine type and possibly the maturation of spines. This discovery of an increase in stubby spines in male D1-MSNs overexpressing mice establishes a role for SIRT1 in stubby spine formation.
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Environmental Stimuli Activates Early Growth Response 3 (EGR3), an Immediate Early Gene Residing at the Center of a Biological Pathway Associated with Risk for Schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia, a debilitating neuropsychiatric disorder, affects 1% of the population. This multifaceted disorder is comprised of positive (hallucinations/psychosis), negative (social withdrawal/anhedonia) and cognitive symptoms. While treatments for schizophrenia have advanced over the past few years, high economic burdens are still

Schizophrenia, a debilitating neuropsychiatric disorder, affects 1% of the population. This multifaceted disorder is comprised of positive (hallucinations/psychosis), negative (social withdrawal/anhedonia) and cognitive symptoms. While treatments for schizophrenia have advanced over the past few years, high economic burdens are still conferred to society, totaling more than $34 billion in direct annual costs to the United States of America. Thus, a critical need exists to identify the factors that contribute towards the etiology of schizophrenia. This research aimed to determine the interactions between environmental factors and genetics in the etiology of schizophrenia. Specifically, this research shows that the immediate early gene, early growth response 3 (EGR3), which is upregulated in response to neuronal activity, resides at the center of a biological pathway to confer risk for schizophrenia. While schizophrenia-risk proteins including neuregulin 1 (NRG1) and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDAR’s) have been identified upstream of EGR3, the downstream targets of EGR3 remain relatively unknown. This research demonstrates that early growth response 3 regulates the expression of the serotonin 2A-receptor (5HT2AR) in the frontal cortex following the physiologic stimulus, sleep deprivation. This effect is translated to the level of protein as 8 hours of sleep-deprivation results in the upregulation of 5HT2ARs, a target of antipsychotic medications. Additional downstream targets were identified following maximal upregulation of EGR3 through electroconvulsive stimulation (ECS). Both brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its epigenetic regulator, growth arrest DNA-damage-inducible 45 beta (GADD45B) are upregulated one-hour following ECS in the hippocampus and require the presence of EGR3. These proteins play important roles in both cellular proliferation and dendritic structural changes. Next, the effects of ECS on downstream neurobiological processes, hippocampal cellular proliferation and dendritic structural changes were examined. Following ECS, hippocampal cellular proliferationwas increased, and dendritic structural changes were observed in both wild-type and early growth response 3 knock-out (Egr3-/-) mice. Effects in the number of dendritic spines and dendritic complexity following ECS were not found to require EGR3. Collectively, these results demonstrate that neuronal activity leads to the regulation of schizophrenia risk proteins by EGR3 and point to a possible molecular mechanism contributing risk for schizophrenia.
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Mesolimbic GluA1 AMPA Receptor Signaling in Dopaminergic Neurons Plays a Critical Role in the Induction of Cross-Sensitization to Psychostimulants in Response to Social Stress

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Intermittent social defeat stress induces psychostimulant cross-sensitization, as well as long-lasting social avoidance behavior. Previous data reveal heightened expression of AMPA receptor (AMPAR) GluA1 subunits in rat ventral tegmental area (VTA), which occurs concurrently with social stress-induced amphetamine (AMPH) cross-sensitization.

Intermittent social defeat stress induces psychostimulant cross-sensitization, as well as long-lasting social avoidance behavior. Previous data reveal heightened expression of AMPA receptor (AMPAR) GluA1 subunits in rat ventral tegmental area (VTA), which occurs concurrently with social stress-induced amphetamine (AMPH) cross-sensitization. These studies described herein examined whether VTA GluA1 AMPARs are important for the behavioral consequences of social stress and investigated the role of the infralimbic (IL) to VTA pathway in the induction of these responses. Functional inactivation of GluA1 in VTA DA neurons prevented stress-induced AMPH sensitization without affecting social avoidance behavior, while GluA1 overexpression in VTA DA neurons mimicked the effects of stress on AMPH sensitization. Female rats were more sensitive to the effects of stress on AMPH administration than males, specifically during proestrus/estrus, which is characterized by higher circulating estradiol. Fluorescent immunohistochemistry revealed that females expressed higher GluA1 in VTA DA neurons as a result of intermittent social defeat stress, independent of estrus stage; by contrast, females during proestrus/estrus displayed higher tyrosine kinase receptor type 2 (TrkB) expression, which is the receptor for brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), in VTA DA neurons, independent of stress exposure. Functional inactivation of GluA1 in VTA DA neurons prevented stress-induced AMPH sensitization and overexpression mimicked the effects of stress on AMPH sensitization. This suggests that BDNF-TrkB signaling may work concomitantly with GluA1 signaling in the VTA to drive sex-dependent differences in stress-induced locomotor sensitization effects. Optogenetic inhibition of the IL-VTA pathway in male rats prevented stress-induced AMPH sensitization compared to control animals. In addition, fluorescent immunohistochemistry displayed less Fos labeling in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) of rats with IL-VTA light inhibition compared to control animals. This suggests that the IL-VTA pathway plays a critical role in the induction of stress-induced sensitivity to AMPH, and blocking this pathway prevents mesolimbic DA signaling to the NAc. We conclude that IL glutamate projections onto GluA1-homomeric AMPA receptors in VTA DA neurons play a critical role in driving the stress-induced sensitization response in males and females. Therefore, GluA1 VTA DA neurons could potentially be a therapeutic target to prevent stress-induced drug susceptibility in the future.
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Disrupted synaptic transmission and abnormal short-term synaptic plasticity in an Angelman syndrome mouse model

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Angelman syndrome (AS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, impaired language and speech, and movement defects. Most AS cases are caused by dysfunction of a maternally-expressed E3 ubiquitin ligase (UBE3A, also known as E6 associated protein,

Angelman syndrome (AS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, impaired language and speech, and movement defects. Most AS cases are caused by dysfunction of a maternally-expressed E3 ubiquitin ligase (UBE3A, also known as E6 associated protein, E6-AP) in neurons. Currently, the mechanism on how loss-of-function of the enzyme influences the nervous system development remains unknown. We hypothesize that impaired metabolism of proteins, most likely those related to E6-AP substrates, may alter the developmental trajectory of neuronal structures including dendrites, spines and synaptic proteins, which leads to disrupted activity/experience-dependent synaptic plasticity and maturation. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a detailed investigation on neuronal morphology and electrophysiological properties in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) layer 5 (L5) corticostriatal pyramidal neurons (target neurons). We found smaller soma size in the maternal Ube3a deficient mice (m-/p+; 'AS' mice) at postnatal 17-19 (P17-19), P28-35 and older than 70 days (>P70), and decreased basal dendritic processes at P28-35. Surprisingly, both excitatory and inhibitory miniature postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs and mIPSCs) decreased on these neurons. These neurons also exhibited abnormalities in the local neural circuits, short-term synaptic plasticity and AMPA/NMDA ratio: the excitatory inputs from L2/3 and L5A, and inhibitory inputs from L5 significantly reduced in AS mice from P17-19; Both the release probability (Pr) and readily-releasable vesicle (RRV) pool replenishment of presynaptic neurons of the target neurons were disrupted at P17-19 and P28-35, and the change of RRV pool replenishment maintained through adulthood (>P70). The AMPA/NMDA ratio showed abnormality in the L5 corticostriatal neurons of PFC in AS mice older than P28-35, during which it decreased significantly compared to that of age-matched WT littermates. Western Blot analysis revealed that the expression level of a key regulator of the cytoskeleton system, Rho family small GTPase cell division control protein 42 homolog (cdc42), reduced significantly in the PFC of AS mice at P28-35.These impairments of synaptic transmission and short-term synaptic plasticity may account for the impaired neuronal morphology and synaptic deficits observed in the PFC target neurons, and contribute to the phenotypes in AS model mice. The present work reveals for the first time that the E6-AP deficiency influences brain function in both brain region-specific and age-dependent ways, demonstrates the functional impairment at the neural circuit level, and reveals that the presynaptic mechanisms are disrupted in AS model. These novel findings shed light on our understanding of the AS pathogenesis and inform potential novel therapeutic explorations.
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Severe traumatic brain injury induces cortical remodeling in the pediatric inhibitory network

Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability in children. When TBI occurs in children it often results in severe cognitive and behavioral deficits. Post-injury, the pediatric brain may be sensitive to the

Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability in children. When TBI occurs in children it often results in severe cognitive and behavioral deficits. Post-injury, the pediatric brain may be sensitive to the effects of TBI while undergoing a number of age-dependent physiological and neurobiological changes. Due to the nature of the developing cortex, it is important to understand how a pediatric brain recovers from a severe TBI (sTBI) compared to an adult. Investigating major cortical and cellular changes after sTBI in a pediatric model can elucidate why pediatrics go on to suffer more neurological damage than an adult after head trauma. To model pediatric sTBI, I use controlled cortical impact (CCI) in juvenile mice (P22). First, I show that by 14 days after injury, animals begin to show recurrent, non-injury induced, electrographic seizures. Also, using whole-cell patch clamp, layer V pyramidal neurons in the peri-injury area show no changes except single-cell excitatory and inhibitory synaptic bursts. These results demonstrate that CCI induces epileptiform activity and distinct synaptic bursting within 14 days of injury without altering the intrinsic properties of layer V pyramidal neurons. Second, I characterized changes to the cortical inhibitory network and how fast-spiking (FS) interneurons in the peri-injury region function after CCI. I found that there is no loss of interneurons in the injury zone, but a 70% loss of parvalbumin immunoreactivity (PV-IR). FS neurons received less inhibitory input and greater excitatory input. Finally, I show that the cortical interneuron network is also affected in the contralateral motor cortex. The contralateral motor cortex shows a loss of interneurons and loss of PV-IR. Contralateral FS neurons in the motor cortex synaptically showed greater excitatory input and less inhibitory input 14 days after injury. In summary, this work demonstrates that by 14 days after injury, the pediatric cortex develops epileptiform activity likely due to cortical inhibitory network dysfunction. These findings provide novel insight into how pediatric cortical networks function in the injured brain and suggest potential circuit level mechanisms that may contribute to neurological disorders as a result of TBI.
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