Displaying, Conserving, and Hoping to Understand: Conservation Messaging and Anthropomorphism in Zoo Great Ape Exhibits

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Though controversial in its utility to the scientific study of nonhuman animals, anthropomorphism, or the attribution of human characteristics to a nonhuman being, is omnipresent in our interactions with other animals. Anthropomorphism is undeniably a fixture of modern zoos, but

Though controversial in its utility to the scientific study of nonhuman animals, anthropomorphism, or the attribution of human characteristics to a nonhuman being, is omnipresent in our interactions with other animals. Anthropomorphism is undeniably a fixture of modern zoos, but how anthropomorphism relates to zoos’ contributions to conservation is unclear. In this dissertation, I investigate these potentially dueling, potentially overlapping, messages within great ape exhibits in accredited zoos. Given the complexity of both anthropomorphism and conservation, this dissertation reveals some nuances of how both play out in zoological spaces. Human psychology literature on anthropomorphism indicates that there are a variety of uses for this lens that benefit humans; from feeling we can understand a confusing animal action, to feeling social connection. Whereas the comparative psychology literature highlights a contested utility of anthropomorphism in studies of nonhuman animals. The main findings from this study are four-fold. Firstly, surveys conducted with zoo visitors show that many bring anthropomorphic beliefs with them on their trek through the zoo. Visitors are prone to viewing great apes as strikingly like humans in terms of emotions, emotional expression, and understanding of the world. Secondly, surveyed zoo visitors who agreed more with anthropomorphic statements also agreed more with statements about feeling interconnected with nature. Thirdly, there is no uniform understanding within the zoo community about how zoo exhibits do or should contribute to conservation efforts given that exhibits have multiple goals, one being the safety and wellness of their animal residents. Fourthly, interviews of zoo staff show that they mediate a variety of messages for zoo visitors and walk a sometimes-divisive line between when it’s acceptable to use anthropomorphic framing to discuss zoo animals and when it’s inaccurate. By leveraging a better understanding of these attitudes and relationships, zoos can further empower their staff to navigate these complex issues and improve their mission-based goal of promoting conservation outcomes by acknowledging the human practices embedded in our perceptions of and interactions with zoo animals. This work speaks to the importance of carefully considering the ways we understand animals in zoos, in the wild, and all the places in-between.
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Tenderness expression as a signal for trustworthiness

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The present research expands on prior research that demonstrated a prototypical facial expression in response to cute, baby-like Kindchenschema targets. This expression, referred to as the tenderness expression, is recognizable to onlookers as a response to such stimuli. Across two

The present research expands on prior research that demonstrated a prototypical facial expression in response to cute, baby-like Kindchenschema targets. This expression, referred to as the tenderness expression, is recognizable to onlookers as a response to such stimuli. Across two studies, the current research examined if there were differences in perceptions of trustworthiness (Studies 1 and 2) and willingness to trust (Study 2) toward individuals displaying the tenderness expression as compared to a Duchenne smile or a neutral expression. Results indicate the tenderness expression is associated with lower ratings of trustworthiness relative to a smile, but no differences among the expressions on willingness to trust. Exploratory analyses demonstrate a replicated pattern of differences on the Big Five Personality Inventory among these three expressions. While these findings were not consistent with a priori hypotheses, this research provides further insight into the social implications associated with this tenderness expression.
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Perturbations in The Arrow of Time: Computational and Procedural Dissociations of Timing and Non-Timing Processes

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Timing performance is sensitive to fluctuations in time and motivation, thus interval timing and motivation are either inseparable or conflated processes. A behavioral systems model (e.g., Timberlake, 2000) of timing performance (Chapter 1) suggests that timing performance in externally-initiated (EI)

Timing performance is sensitive to fluctuations in time and motivation, thus interval timing and motivation are either inseparable or conflated processes. A behavioral systems model (e.g., Timberlake, 2000) of timing performance (Chapter 1) suggests that timing performance in externally-initiated (EI) procedures conflates behavioral modes differentially sensitive to motivation, but that response-initiated (RI) procedures potentially dissociate these behavioral modes. That is, timing performance in RI procedures is expected to not conflate these behavioral modes. According to the discriminative RI hypothesis, as initiating-responses become progressively discriminable from target responses, initiating-responses increasingly dissociate interval timing and motivation. Rats were trained in timing procedures in which a switch from a Short to a Long interval indexes timing performance (a latency-to-switch, LTS), and were then challenged with pre-feeding and extinction probes. In experiments 1 (Chapter 2) and 2 (Chapter 3), discriminability of initiating-responses was varied as a function of time, location, and form for rats trained in a switch-timing procedure. In experiment 3 (Chapter 4), the generalizability of the discriminative RI hypothesis was evaluated in rats trained in a temporal bisection procedure. In experiment 3, but not 1 and 2, RI enhanced temporal control of LTSs relative to EI. In experiments 1 and 2, the robustness of LTS medians to pre-feeding but not extinction increased with the discriminability of initiating-responses from target responses. In experiment 3, the mean LTS was robust to pre-feeding in EI and RI. In all three experiments, pre-feeding increased LTS variability in EI and RI. These results provide moderate support for the discriminative RI hypothesis, indicating that initiating-responses selectively and partially dissociate interval timing and motivation processes. Implications for the study of cognition and motivation processes are discussed (Chapter 5).
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What's in a name: effect of breed perceptions & labeling on attractiveness, adoptions & length of stay for pit-bull-type dogs

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Previous research has indicated that certain breeds of dogs stay longer in shelters than others; however exactly how breed perception and identification influences potential adopters' decisions remains unclear. Current dog breed identification practices in animal shelters are often based upon

Previous research has indicated that certain breeds of dogs stay longer in shelters than others; however exactly how breed perception and identification influences potential adopters' decisions remains unclear. Current dog breed identification practices in animal shelters are often based upon information supplied by the relinquishing owner, or staff determination based on the dog's phenotype. However discrepancies have been found between breed identification as typically assessed by welfare agencies and the outcome of DNA analysis. In Study 1, the perceived behavioral and adoptability characteristics of a pit-bull-type dog were compared with those of a Labrador Retriever and Border Collie. How the addition of a human handler influenced those perceptions was also assessed. In Study 2, lengths of stay and perceived attractiveness of dogs that were labeled as pit bull breeds to dogs that were phenotypically similar but were labeled as another breed at an animal shelter were compared. The latter dogs were called "lookalikes." In Study 3, perceived attractiveness in video recordings of pit-bull-type dogs and lookalikes with and without breed labels were compared. Lastly, data from an animal shelter that ceased applying breed labeling on kennels was analyzed, and lengths of stay and outcomes for all dog breeds, including pit bulls, before and after the change in labeling practice were compared. In total, these findings suggest that breed labeling influences potential adopters' perceptions and decision-making. Given the inherent complexity of breed assignment based on morphology coupled with negative breed perceptions, removing breed labels is a relatively low-cost strategy that will likely improve outcomes for dogs in animal shelters.
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