Surface response to slip along a propagating blind thrust fault, Wheeler Ridge, California

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Understanding topography developed above an active blind thrust fault is critical to quantifying the along-strike variability of the timing, magnitude, and rate of fault slip at depth. Hillslope and fluvial processes respond to growing topography such that the existing landscape

Understanding topography developed above an active blind thrust fault is critical to quantifying the along-strike variability of the timing, magnitude, and rate of fault slip at depth. Hillslope and fluvial processes respond to growing topography such that the existing landscape is an indicator of constructional and destruction processes. Light detection and ranging (lidar) data provide a necessary tool for fine-scale quantitative understanding of the topography to understand the tectonic evolution of blind thrust faulting. In this thesis, lidar topographic data collected in 2014 are applied to a well-studied laterally propagating anticline developed above a blind thrust fault in order to assess the geomorphic response of along-strike variations in tectonic deformation. Wheeler Ridge is an asymmetric east-propagating anticline (10 km axis, 330 m topographic relief) above a north-vergent blind thrust fault at the northern front of the Transverse Ranges, Southern San Joaquin Valley, California. Wheeler Ridge is part of a thrust system initiating in the late Miocene and is known to have significant historic earthquakes occur (e.g., 1952 Mw 7.3 Kern County earthquake). Analysis of the lidar data enables quantitative assessment of four key geomorphic relationships that may be indicative of relative variation in local rock uplift. First, I observe remnant landforms in the youngest, easternmost section of Wheeler Ridge that indicate the erosional history of older deposits to the west. Second, I examine the central portion of Wheeler Ridge where drainages and hillslopes are closely tied to uplift rates. Third, I observe the major wind gap within which a series of knickpoints are aligned at a similar elevation and tie into the local depositional and uplift history. Finally, I survey the western section and specifically, the fold backlimb where high-resolution topography and field mapping indicate long ridgelines that may preserve the uplifted and tilted alluvial fan morphology. I address changing landforms along the fold axis to test whether backlimb interfluves are paleosurfaces or the result of post-tectonic erosional hillslope processes. This work will be paired with future geochronology to update the ages of uplifted alluvial fan deposits and better constrain the timing of along-strike uplift of Wheeler Ridge.
Date Created

Hydroclimatic controls on erosional efficiency in mountain landscapes

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Climate and its influence on hydrology and weathering is a key driver of surface processes on Earth. Despite its clear importance to hazard generation, fluvial sediment transport and erosion, the drawdown of atmospheric CO2 via the rock cycle, and feedbacks

Climate and its influence on hydrology and weathering is a key driver of surface processes on Earth. Despite its clear importance to hazard generation, fluvial sediment transport and erosion, the drawdown of atmospheric CO2 via the rock cycle, and feedbacks between climate and tectonics, quantifying climatic controls on long-term erosion rates has proven to be one of the grand problems in geomorphology. In fact, recent attempts addressing this problem using cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) derived erosion rates suggest very weak climatic controls on millennial-scale erosion rates contrary to expectations. In this work, two challenges are addressed that may be impeding progress on this problem.

The first challenge is choosing appropriate climate metrics that are closely tied to erosional processes. For example, in fluvial landscapes, most runoff events do little to no geomorphic work due to erosion thresholds, and event-scale variability dictates how frequently these thresholds are exceeded. By analyzing dense hydroclimatic datasets in the contiguous U.S. and Puerto Rico, we show that event-scale runoff variability is only loosely related to event-scale rainfall variability. Instead, aridity and fractional evapotranspiration (ET) losses are much better predictors of runoff variability. Importantly, simple hillslope-scale soil water balance models capture major aspects of the observed relation between runoff variability and fractional ET losses. Together, these results point to the role of vegetation water use as a potential key to relating mean hydrologic partitioning with runoff variability.

The second challenge is that long-term erosion rates are expected to balance rock uplift rates as landscapes approach topographic steady state, regardless of hydroclimatic setting. This is illustrated with new data along the Main Gulf Escarpment, Baja, Mexico. Under this conceptual framework, climate is not expected to set the erosion rate, but rather the erosional efficiency of the system, or the steady-state relief required for erosion to keep up with tectonically driven uplift rates. To assess differences in erosional efficiency across landscapes experiencing different climatic regimes, we contrast new CRN data from tectonically active landscapes in Baja, Mexico and southern California (arid) with northern Honduras (very humid) alongside other published global data from similar hydroclimatic settings. This analysis shows how climate does, in fact, set functional relationships between topographic metrics like channel steepness and long-term erosion rates. However, we also show that relatively small differences in rock erodibility and incision thresholds can easily overprint hydroclimatic controls on erosional efficiency motivating the need for more field based constraints on these important variables.
Date Created