Warriors mentor warriors: a cross-age mentoring program

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Adolescence comes with a multitude of challenges that students must face, while still positively engaging with other students and teachers within the school environment. Eighth grade students, in particular, face issues pertaining to behavior control and behavior problems, which in

Adolescence comes with a multitude of challenges that students must face, while still positively engaging with other students and teachers within the school environment. Eighth grade students, in particular, face issues pertaining to behavior control and behavior problems, which in turn impacts their ability to be successful in a school setting. Cross-Age Mentoring Programs (CAMPs) have been shown to improve youth behavior when youth are matched with individuals who act as positive role models over an extended period of time. The primary function of CAMPs is to assist mentors and mentees in building a strong relationship that consists of trust and empathy, which in turn leads to the ability for mentors to lead mentees towards the achievement of goals.

The purpose of this action research study was to introduce an innovation aimed at helping eighth grade students improve their behavior control and behavior problems. The innovation consisted of a nine-week CAMP that paired eight eighth graders with eight eleventh graders at a charter school in Phoenix, Arizona. Mentors and mentees met twice a week before school with the purpose of addressing the behavior control and behavior problem goals that they co-created. Mixed-method data were collected: the quantitative data collection tools were pre- and post-intervention mentee surveys and teacher weekly behavior reports, and the qualitative data collection tools included mentee and mentor journal entries, researcher observations, and mentoring conversation checklists.

Results showed that mentors and mentees were able to develop positive close personal relationships with one another, as seen in the researcher observations. In addition to the development of positive relationships, researcher observations, and journal prompt entries provided data to support mentees meeting their goals and mentee self-identification of positive improvement in behavior problems and control. Conversely, there were no significant changes in behavior control and behavior problems as reported on the survey and teacher weekly behavior reports. Attendance and retention of students created challenges in accurately assessing the results of this program; however, consistent with the literature, this study suggests that CAMPs should be sustained longer and with consistent attendance to achieve goals.
Date Created

School-wide positive behavior supports: fidelity of implementation in urban schools

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The purpose of this study was to implement Tier 1 universal expectations and Tier 2 secondary preventions, using a School-wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS) problem-solving framework with fidelity in a culturally and linguistically diverse urban elementary school. A mixed-method design

The purpose of this study was to implement Tier 1 universal expectations and Tier 2 secondary preventions, using a School-wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS) problem-solving framework with fidelity in a culturally and linguistically diverse urban elementary school. A mixed-method design was used to address the following three research questions. How can school leadership teams design and implement Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports with fidelity in an urban elementary school? In what ways can Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions, designed and created by a school leadership team, reduce disruptive student behaviors? How satisfied were staff members with implementation of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 preventions? Data collection was completed using office discipline referrals (ODRs), the School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET 2.0), the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ), staff surveys, and interviews to aid researchers and educational leaders in urban schools in identifying successes, pitfalls, and areas needing improvement in the implementation of Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports in urban schools.
Date Created

The iPad as an Alternative Reinforcer during Functional Communication Training: Effects on Self-Injury and Aggression

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The present study used a multiple baseline design across settings to examine the effects of using an iPad as an alternative reinforcer on self-injury and aggression when reinforcement for appropriate communication was denied following Functional Communication Training in an adolescent

The present study used a multiple baseline design across settings to examine the effects of using an iPad as an alternative reinforcer on self-injury and aggression when reinforcement for appropriate communication was denied following Functional Communication Training in an adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Disability (ID), and severe aggression. The study also assessed collateral effects of the intervention on the use of self-management to control aggression. Data indicate the use of an iPad as an alternative reinforcer decreased the duration of self-injury and physical aggression in an adolescent in a big box store, grocery store, and classroom. Instances of self-injury and aggression remained low during maintenance sessions and a six month post-hoc analysis. Collateral gains in self-management were made during treatment and maintenance sessions.
Date Created