Professional development plus: rethinking professional learning

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The purpose of professional development is to enhance educator practices so that students may achieve at high levels. Too often, professional development tends to be too broad, general, or unrelated to problems of practice that teachers face in their own

The purpose of professional development is to enhance educator practices so that students may achieve at high levels. Too often, professional development tends to be too broad, general, or unrelated to problems of practice that teachers face in their own classrooms. This action research project builds upon the scholarly research that recognizes the need for professional development to be sustained, connected to teachers' own contexts, focused on specific subject matter, collaborative, and reflective. The goal of this action research study was to facilitate a culture of continuous improvement in teaching and learning by utilizing a model of professional development that challenges teachers to question their practices, utilize research to support their instruction, design an inquiry project that supports a change in practice, and examine changes in student growth. Results suggest that although teachers recognize the complexities that surround professional development, they found that this professional development model focused on their needs as professionals, was sustained over time, and was supported by a variety of professional influences. As a result of the model implemented, teachers reported shifts in their instructional practices and student growth related to personal inquiry projects.
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