Benefits of using augmented reality in planning, construction and post-construction phases in specialty contracting

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The construction industry has been growing over the past few years, but it is facing numerous challenges, related to craft labor availability and declining productivity. At the same time, the industry has benefited from computational advancements by leveraging the use

The construction industry has been growing over the past few years, but it is facing numerous challenges, related to craft labor availability and declining productivity. At the same time, the industry has benefited from computational advancements by leveraging the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to create information rich 3D models to enhance the planning, designing, and construction of projects. Augmented Reality (AR) is one technology that could further leverage BIM, especially on the construction site. This research looks at the human performance attributes enabled using AR as the main information delivery tool in the various stages of construction. The results suggest that using AR for information delivery can enhance labor productivity and enable untrained personnel to complete key construction tasks. However, its usability decreases when higher accuracy levels are required. This work contributes to the body of knowledge by empirically testing and validating the performance effects of using AR during construction tasks and highlights the limitations of current generation AR technology related to the construction industry. This work serves as foundation of future industry-based AR applications and research into potential AR implementations.
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Network capacity assessment of CHP-based distributed generation on urban energy distribution networks

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The combined heat and power (CHP)-based distributed generation (DG) or dis-tributed energy resources (DERs) are mature options available in the present energy mar-ket, considered to be an effective solution to promote energy efficiency. In the urban en-vironment, the electricity, water

The combined heat and power (CHP)-based distributed generation (DG) or dis-tributed energy resources (DERs) are mature options available in the present energy mar-ket, considered to be an effective solution to promote energy efficiency. In the urban en-vironment, the electricity, water and natural gas distribution networks are becoming in-creasingly interconnected with the growing penetration of the CHP-based DG. Subse-quently, this emerging interdependence leads to new topics meriting serious consideration: how much of the CHP-based DG can be accommodated and where to locate these DERs, and given preexisting constraints, how to quantify the mutual impacts on operation performances between these urban energy distribution networks and the CHP-based DG. The early research work was conducted to investigate the feasibility and design methods for one residential microgrid system based on existing electricity, water and gas infrastructures of a residential community, mainly focusing on the economic planning. However, this proposed design method cannot determine the optimal DG sizing and sit-ing for a larger test bed with the given information of energy infrastructures. In this con-text, a more systematic as well as generalized approach should be developed to solve these problems. In the later study, the model architecture that integrates urban electricity, water and gas distribution networks, and the CHP-based DG system was developed. The pro-posed approach addressed the challenge of identifying the optimal sizing and siting of the CHP-based DG on these urban energy networks and the mutual impacts on operation per-formances were also quantified. For this study, the overall objective is to maximize the electrical output and recovered thermal output of the CHP-based DG units. The electrici-ty, gas, and water system models were developed individually and coupled by the devel-oped CHP-based DG system model. The resultant integrated system model is used to constrain the DG's electrical output and recovered thermal output, which are affected by multiple factors and thus analyzed in different case studies. The results indicate that the designed typical gas system is capable of supplying sufficient natural gas for the DG normal operation, while the present water system cannot support the complete recovery of the exhaust heat from the DG units.
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