Thermal-structural analysis of high pressure superheater 1 of a heat recovery steam generator

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High Pressure Superheater 1 (HPSH1) is the first heat exchange tube bank inside the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) to encounter exhaust flue gas from the gas turbine of a Combined Cycle Power Plant. Steam flowing through the HPSH1 gains

High Pressure Superheater 1 (HPSH1) is the first heat exchange tube bank inside the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) to encounter exhaust flue gas from the gas turbine of a Combined Cycle Power Plant. Steam flowing through the HPSH1 gains heat from the flue gas prior to entering the steam turbine. During cold start-ups, rapid temperature changes in operating condition give rise to significant temperature gradients in the thick-walled components of HPSH1 (manifolds, links, and headers). These temperature gradients produce thermal-structural stresses in the components. The resulting high cycle fatigue is a major concern as this can lead to premature failure of the components. The main objective of this project was to address the thermal-structural stress field induced in HPSH1 during a typical cold start-up transient. To this end, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to carry out the thermal-fluid analysis of HPSH1. The calculated temperature distributions in the component walls were the primary inputs for the finite element (FEA) model that performed structural analysis. Thermal-structural analysis was initially carried out at full-load steady state condition in order to gain confidence in the CFD and FEA methodologies. Results of the full-load steady state thermal-fluid analysis were found in agreement with the temperature values measured at specific locations on the outer surfaces of the inlet links and outlet manifold. It was found from the subsequent structural analysis that peak effective stresses were located at the connecting regions of the components and were well below the allowed stress values. Higher temperature differences were observed between the thick-walled HPSH1 components during the cold start-up transient as compared to the full-load steady state operating condition. This was because of the rapid temperature changes that occurred, especially in the steam temperature at the HPSH1 entry, and the different rates of heating or cooling for components with different wall thicknesses. Results of the transient thermal-fluid analysis will be used in future to perform structural analysis of the HPSH1. The developed CFD and FEA models are capable of analyzing various other transients (e.g., hot start-up and shut-down) and determine their influence on the durability of plant components.
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