Echoes from within murky waters: the journey of two Asian students in a U.S. higher education institution

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This qualitative research study explores the experiences of two foreign-born Asian students in a U.S. higher education institution. The data collected includes written responses to interview questions as well as guided questions from the participants, personal vignettes and reflections written

This qualitative research study explores the experiences of two foreign-born Asian students in a U.S. higher education institution. The data collected includes written responses to interview questions as well as guided questions from the participants, personal vignettes and reflections written by the participants along with data from informal interviews with each participant. Data was analyzed to address issues related to Asian identity, Discourse and cultural capital. The research approach used in this study was narrative analysis. Data collected through interview and guided questions were analyzed to determine themes participant vignettes and reflections were based on. The main purpose in using narrative analysis is to capture lived experiences of participants through their lenses, from their perspectives, and in their own words and voices. The analysis of data surfaced themes related to identity and discourse as well as cultural models. From these themes emerged issues related to identity struggles, disparity in discourse as well as negative self-perception. The main conclusion drawn from this research is the lack of clarity present for foreign-born Asian students to navigate their way through U.S higher education expectations and Discourses. The research uncovers the lack of support at the institutional level and proposes more collaboration between institutions, faculty and students in order to establish a more supportive learning environment.
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