Atmospheric sounding data as tools for forecasting severe hail and ozone accumulation in Arizona during the North American monsoon

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Monsoon hazards routinely affect the community, economy, and environment of the American Southwest. A common link for hazard development during the North American Monsoon concerns the interplay between temperature, moisture, and wind in the vertical atmosphere controlled by an unstable

Monsoon hazards routinely affect the community, economy, and environment of the American Southwest. A common link for hazard development during the North American Monsoon concerns the interplay between temperature, moisture, and wind in the vertical atmosphere controlled by an unstable monsoon circulation. This dissertation investigates vertical atmospheric patterns using in-situ sounding data, specifically, 1) environments favorable for severe hail on the Colorado Plateau, 2) significant parameters distinguishing unhealthy versus healthy ozone days in Phoenix, Arizona, and 3) vertical profile alignments associated with distinct ranges in ozone concentrations observed in Phoenix having defined health impacts.

The first study (published in the Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science) determines significant variables on Flagstaff, Arizona 12Z rawinsonde data (1996-2009) found on severe hail days on the Colorado Plateau. Severe hail is related to greater sub-300 hectopascals (hPa) moisture, a warmer atmospheric column, lighter above surface wind speeds, more southerly to southeasterly oriented winds throughout the vertical (except at the 700 hPa pressure level), and higher geopotential heights.

The second study (published in Atmospheric Environment) employs principal component, linear discriminant, and synoptic composite analyses using Phoenix, Arizona rawinsonde data (2006-2016) to identify common monsoon patterns affecting ozone accumulation in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Unhealthy ozone occurs with amplified high-pressure ridging over the Four Corners region, 500 hPa heights often exceeding 5910 meters, surface afternoon temperatures typically over 40°C, lighter wind speeds in the planetary boundary layer under four ms-1, and persistent light easterly flow between 700-500 hPa countering the daytime mountain-valley circulation.

The final study (under revision in Weather and Forecasting) assesses composite atmospheric sounding analysis to forecast Air Quality Index ozone classifications of Good, Moderate, and collectively categories exceeding the U.S. EPA 2015 standard. The analysis, using Phoenix 12Z rawinsonde data (2006-2017), identifies the existence of “pollutant dispersion windows” for ozone accumulation and dispersal in Phoenix.

Ultimately, monsoon hazards result from a complex and evolving vertical atmosphere. This dissertation demonstrates the viability using available in-situ vertical upper-air data to anticipate recurring atmospheric states contributing to specific hazards. These results will improve monsoon hazard prediction in an effort to protect public and infrastructure.
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Climatological isentropic analysis: identifying patterns associated with tornado occurrences across the United States

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Isentropic analysis is a type of analysis that is based on using the concept of potential temperatures, the adiabatically established temperature at 1000 hPa. In the 1930s and 1940s this type of analysis proved to be valuable in indicating areas

Isentropic analysis is a type of analysis that is based on using the concept of potential temperatures, the adiabatically established temperature at 1000 hPa. In the 1930s and 1940s this type of analysis proved to be valuable in indicating areas of increased moisture content and locations experiencing flow up or down adiabatic surfaces. However, in the early 1950s, this type of analysis faded out of use and not until the twenty-first century have some researchers started once again to examine the usefulness of isentropic analysis. One aspect in which isentropic analysis could be practical, based on prior research, is in severe weather situations, due to its ability to easily show adiabatic motion and moisture. As a result, I analyzed monthly climatological isentropic surfaces to identify distinct patterns associated with tornado occurrences for specific regions and months across the contiguous United States. I collected tornado reports from 1974 through 2009 to create tornado regions for each month across the contiguous United States and corresponding upper air data for the same time period. I then separated these upper air data into tornado and non-tornado days for specific regions and conducted synoptic and statistical analyses to establish differences between the two. Finally, I compared those results with analyses of individual case studies for each defined region using independent data from 2009 through 2010. On tornado days distinct patterns can be identified on the isentropic surface: (1) the average isentropic surface lowered on tornado days indicating a trough across the region, (2) a corresponding increase in moisture content occurred across the tornado region, and (3) wind shifted in such a manner to produce flow up the isentropic trough indicating uplift. When comparing the climatological results with the case studies, the isentropic pattern for the case studies in general was more pronounced compared to the climatological pattern; however, this would be expected as when creating the average the pattern/conditions will be smoothed. These findings begin to bridge the large gap in literature, show the usefulness of isentropic analysis in monthly and daily use and serve as catalysts to create a finer resolution database in isentropic coordinates.
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