Compressed sensing accelerated magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging

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Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) is a valuable technique for assessing the in vivo spatial profiles of metabolites like N-acetylaspartate (NAA), creatine, choline, and lactate. Changes in metabolite concentrations can help identify tissue heterogeneity, providing prognostic and diagnostic information to

Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) is a valuable technique for assessing the in vivo spatial profiles of metabolites like N-acetylaspartate (NAA), creatine, choline, and lactate. Changes in metabolite concentrations can help identify tissue heterogeneity, providing prognostic and diagnostic information to the clinician. The increased uptake of glucose by solid tumors as compared to normal tissues and its conversion to lactate can be exploited for tumor diagnostics, anti-cancer therapy, and in the detection of metastasis. Lactate levels in cancer cells are suggestive of altered metabolism, tumor recurrence, and poor outcome. A dedicated technique like MRSI could contribute to an improved assessment of metabolic abnormalities in the clinical setting, and introduce the possibility of employing non-invasive lactate imaging as a powerful prognostic marker.

However, the long acquisition time in MRSI is a deterrent to its inclusion in clinical protocols due to associated costs, patient discomfort (especially in pediatric patients under anesthesia), and higher susceptibility to motion artifacts. Acceleration strategies like compressed sensing (CS) permit faithful reconstructions even when the k-space is undersampled well below the Nyquist limit. CS is apt for MRSI as spectroscopic data are inherently sparse in multiple dimensions of space and frequency in an appropriate transform domain, for e.g. the wavelet domain. The objective of this research was three-fold: firstly on the preclinical front, to prospectively speed-up spectrally-edited MRSI using CS for rapid mapping of lactate and capture associated changes in response to therapy. Secondly, to retrospectively evaluate CS-MRSI in pediatric patients scanned for various brain-related concerns. Thirdly, to implement prospective CS-MRSI acquisitions on a clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner for fast spectroscopic imaging studies. Both phantom and in vivo results demonstrated a reduction in the scan time by up to 80%, with the accelerated CS-MRSI reconstructions maintaining high spectral fidelity and statistically insignificant errors as compared to the fully sampled reference dataset. Optimization of CS parameters involved identifying an optimal sampling mask for CS-MRSI at each acceleration factor. It is envisioned that time-efficient MRSI realized with optimized CS acceleration would facilitate the clinical acceptance of routine MRSI exams for a quantitative mapping of important biomarkers.
Date Created

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain: enabling advances in efficient non-cartesian sampling

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is limited in speed and resolution by the inherently low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of the underlying signal. Advances in sampling efficiency are required to support future improvements in scan time and resolution. SNR efficiency

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is limited in speed and resolution by the inherently low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of the underlying signal. Advances in sampling efficiency are required to support future improvements in scan time and resolution. SNR efficiency is improved by sampling data for a larger proportion of total imaging time. This is challenging as these acquisitions are typically subject to artifacts such as blurring and distortions. The current work proposes a set of tools to help with the creation of different types of SNR efficient scans. An SNR efficient pulse sequence providing diffusion imaging data with full brain coverage and minimal distortion is first introduced. The proposed method acquires single-shot, low resolution image slabs which are then combined to reconstruct the full volume. An iterative deblurring algorithm allowing the lengthening of spiral SPoiled GRadient echo (SPGR) acquisition windows in the presence of rapidly varying off-resonance fields is then presented. Finally, an efficient and practical way of collecting 3D reformatted data is proposed. This method constitutes a good tradeoff between 2D and 3D neuroimaging in terms of scan time and data presentation. These schemes increased the SNR efficiency of currently existing methods and constitute key enablers for the development of SNR efficient MRI.
Date Created