Brain dynamics based automated epileptic seizure detection

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Approximately 1% of the world population suffers from epilepsy. Continuous long-term electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring is the gold-standard for recording epileptic seizures and assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with epilepsy. However, this process still requires that seizures are

Approximately 1% of the world population suffers from epilepsy. Continuous long-term electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring is the gold-standard for recording epileptic seizures and assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with epilepsy. However, this process still requires that seizures are visually detected and marked by experienced and trained electroencephalographers. The motivation for the development of an automated seizure detection algorithm in this research was to assist physicians in such a laborious, time consuming and expensive task. Seizures in the EEG vary in duration (seconds to minutes), morphology and severity (clinical to subclinical, occurrence rate) within the same patient and across patients. The task of seizure detection is also made difficult due to the presence of movement and other recording artifacts. An early approach towards the development of automated seizure detection algorithms utilizing both EEG changes and clinical manifestations resulted to a sensitivity of 70-80% and 1 false detection per hour. Approaches based on artificial neural networks have improved the detection performance at the cost of algorithm's training. Measures of nonlinear dynamics, such as Lyapunov exponents, have been applied successfully to seizure prediction. Within the framework of this MS research, a seizure detection algorithm based on measures of linear and nonlinear dynamics, i.e., the adaptive short-term maximum Lyapunov exponent (ASTLmax) and the adaptive Teager energy (ATE) was developed and tested. The algorithm was tested on long-term (0.5-11.7 days) continuous EEG recordings from five patients (3 with intracranial and 2 with scalp EEG) and a total of 56 seizures, producing a mean sensitivity of 93% and mean specificity of 0.048 false positives per hour. The developed seizure detection algorithm is data-adaptive, training-free and patient-independent. It is expected that this algorithm will assist physicians in reducing the time spent on detecting seizures, lead to faster and more accurate diagnosis, better evaluation of treatment, and possibly to better treatments if it is incorporated on-line and real-time with advanced neuromodulation therapies for epilepsy.
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Temporal coding of cortical neural signals and camera motion estimation in target tracking

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This dissertation includes two parts. First it focuses on discussing robust signal processing algorithms, which lead to consistent performance under perturbation or uncertainty in video target tracking applications. Projective distortion plagues the quality of long sequence mosaicking which results in

This dissertation includes two parts. First it focuses on discussing robust signal processing algorithms, which lead to consistent performance under perturbation or uncertainty in video target tracking applications. Projective distortion plagues the quality of long sequence mosaicking which results in loosing important target information. Some correction techniques require prior information. A new algorithm is proposed in this dissertation to this very issue. Optimization and parameter tuning of a robust camera motion estimation as well as implementation details are discussed for a real-time application using an ordinary general-purpose computer. Performance evaluations on real-world unmanned air vehicle (UAV) videos demonstrate the robustness of the proposed algorithms. The second half of the dissertation addresses neural signal analysis and modeling. Neural waveforms were recorded from rats' motor cortical areas while rats performed a learning control task. Prior to analyzing and modeling based on the recorded neural signal, neural action potentials are processed to detect neural action potentials which are considered the basic computation unit in the brain. Most algorithms rely on simple thresholding, which can be subjective. This dissertation proposes a new detection algorithm, which is an automatic procedure based on signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) from the neural waveforms. For spike sorting, this dissertation proposes a classification algorithm based on spike features in the frequency domain and adaptive clustering method such as the self-organizing map (SOM). Another major contribution of the dissertation is the study of functional interconnectivity of neurons in an ensemble. These functional correlations among neurons reveal spatial and temporal statistical dependencies, which consequently contributes to the understanding of a neuronal substrate of meaningful behaviors. This dissertation proposes a new generalized yet simple method to study adaptation of neural ensemble activities of a rat's motor cortical areas during its cognitive learning process. Results reveal interesting temporal firing patterns underlying the behavioral learning process.
Date Created

Directional information flow and applications

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In the late 1960s, Granger published a seminal study on causality in time series, using linear interdependencies and information transfer. Recent developments in the field of information theory have introduced new methods to investigate the transfer of information in dynamical

In the late 1960s, Granger published a seminal study on causality in time series, using linear interdependencies and information transfer. Recent developments in the field of information theory have introduced new methods to investigate the transfer of information in dynamical systems. Using concepts from Chaos and Markov theory, much of these methods have evolved to capture non-linear relations and information flow between coupled dynamical systems with applications to fields like biomedical signal processing. This thesis deals with the application of information theory to non-linear multivariate time series and develops measures of information flow to identify significant drivers and response (driven) components in networks of coupled sub-systems with variable coupling in strength and direction (uni- or bi-directional) for each connection. Transfer Entropy (TE) is used to quantify pairwise directional information. Four TE-based measures of information flow are proposed, namely TE Outflow (TEO), TE Inflow (TEI), TE Net flow (TEN), and Average TE flow (ATE). First, the reliability of the information flow measures on models, with and without noise, is evaluated. The driver and response sub-systems in these models are identified. Second, these measures are applied to electroencephalographic (EEG) data from two patients with focal epilepsy. The analysis showed dominant directions of information flow between brain sites and identified the epileptogenic focus as the system component typically with the highest value for the proposed measures (for example, ATE). Statistical tests between pre-seizure (preictal) and post-seizure (postictal) information flow also showed a breakage of the driving of the brain by the focus after seizure onset. The above findings shed light on the function of the epileptogenic focus and understanding of ictogenesis. It is expected that they will contribute to the diagnosis of epilepsy, for example by accurate identification of the epileptogenic focus from interictal periods, as well as the development of better seizure detection, prediction and control methods, for example by isolating pathologic areas of excessive information flow through electrical stimulation.
Date Created