Relationship Between Center of Mass and the Body Tilt Illusion

The body tilt illusion relates to one’s exaggerated perception of body tilt angle in comparison to reality. People tend to overestimate this illusion and feel that they are tilted at 45º when they are tilted less than 45º in reality.

The body tilt illusion relates to one’s exaggerated perception of body tilt angle in comparison to reality. People tend to overestimate this illusion and feel that they are tilted at 45º when they are tilted less than 45º in reality. This illusion increases with lack of sensory cues and decreases when sensory cues are added. In the present study, distortion in the perception of body tilt was examined as a function of center of mass. There are gender differences in regards to where one’s center of mass lies on their body, with females having a lower center of mass on average compared to males (Elert, 2005). We used a human-sized 3D gyroscope to test participants’ experience of the body tilt illusion. The findings support that perception of body tilt is multisensory and that visual information as well as the tilting plane affects the magnitude of the illusion. This is consistent with the illusion being functional for helping people keep their balance. Yet, we did not find significant differences in the size of the illusion due to differences in center of mass. The pattern of findings supports that the body tilt illusion is relatively universal, and likely functional, but does not vary much due to individual body shape differences like center of mass.
Date Created

The effect of partial exemplar experience on ill-defined, multi-modal categories

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of partial exemplar experience on category formation and use. Participants had either complete or limited access to the three dimensions that defined categories by dimensions within different modalities. The concept

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of partial exemplar experience on category formation and use. Participants had either complete or limited access to the three dimensions that defined categories by dimensions within different modalities. The concept of "crucial dimension" was introduced and the role it plays in category definition was explained. It was hypothesized that the effects of partial experience are not explained by a shifting of attention between dimensions (Taylor & Ross, 2009) but rather by an increased reliance on prototypical values used to fill in missing information during incomplete experiences. Results indicated that participants (1) do not fill in missing information with prototypical values, (2) integrate information less efficiently between different modalities than within a single modality, and (3) have difficulty learning only when partial experience prevents access to diagnostic information.
Date Created