The factor structure of curriculum-based writing indices at Grades 3, 7, and 10

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National assessment data indicate that the large majority of students in America perform below expected proficiency levels in the area of writing. Given the importance of writing skills, this is a significant problem. Curriculum-based measurement, when used for progress monitoring

National assessment data indicate that the large majority of students in America perform below expected proficiency levels in the area of writing. Given the importance of writing skills, this is a significant problem. Curriculum-based measurement, when used for progress monitoring and intervention planning, has been shown to lead to improved academic achievement. However, researchers have not yet been able to establish the validity of curriculum-based measures of writing (CBM-W). This study examined the structural validity of CBM-W using exploratory factor analysis. The participants for this study were 253 third, 154 seventh, and 154 tenth grade students. Each participant completed a 3-minute writing sample in response to a narrative prompt. The writing samples were scored for fifteen different CBM-W indices. Separate analyses were conducted for each grade level to examine differences in the CBM-W construct across grade levels. Due to extreme multicollinearity, principal components analysis rather than common factor analysis was used to examine the structure of writing as measured by CBM-W indices. The overall structure of CBM-W indices was found to remain stable across grade levels. In all cases a three-component solution was supported, with the components being labeled production, accuracy, and sentence complexity. Limitations of the study and implications for progress monitoring with CBM-W are discussed, including the recommendation for a combination of variables that may provide more reliable and valid measurement of the writing construct.
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Structural validity of the Woodcock Johnson III Cognitive in a referred sample

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The structural validity of the WJ-III Cognitive was investigated using the GIA-Extended Battery test scores of 529, six-to-thirteen-year-old students referred for a psychoeducational evaluation. The results of an exploratory factor analysis revealed 11 of the 14 tests loaded on their

The structural validity of the WJ-III Cognitive was investigated using the GIA-Extended Battery test scores of 529, six-to-thirteen-year-old students referred for a psychoeducational evaluation. The results of an exploratory factor analysis revealed 11 of the 14 tests loaded on their expected factors. For the factors Gc, Gf, Gs, and Gv, both tests associated with the factor loaded highly; for Gsm, Glr, and Ga, only one test associated with each factor loaded highly. Obtained congruence coefficients supported the similarity between the factors Gs, Gf, Gc, Glr, and Gv for the current referred sample and the normative factor structure. Gsm and Ga were not found to be similar. The WJ-III Cognitive structure established in the normative sample was not fully replicated in this referred sample. The Schmid-Leiman orthogonalization procedure identified a higher-order factor structure with a second-order, general ability factor, g, which accounted for approximately 38.4% of common variance and 23.1% of total variance among the seven, first-order factors. However, g accounted for more variance in both associated tests for only the orthogonal first-order factor Gf. In contrast, the Gc and Gs factors accounted for more variance than the general factor for both of their respective tests. The Gsm, Glr, Ga, and Gv factors accounted for more variance than g for one of the two tests associated with each factor. The outcome indicates Gc, Gf, Gs, and Gv were supported and thus are likely factors that can be utilized in assessment while Gsm, Glr, and Gr were not supported by this study. Additionally, results indicate that interpretation of the WJ-III scores should not ignore the global ability factor.
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Factor Structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children-Fourth Edition Among Referred Native American Students

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The Native American population is severely underrepresented in empirical test validity research despite being overrepresented in special education programs and at an increased risk for special educational evaluation. This study is the first to investigate the structural validity of the

The Native American population is severely underrepresented in empirical test validity research despite being overrepresented in special education programs and at an increased risk for special educational evaluation. This study is the first to investigate the structural validity of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) with a Native American sample. The structural validity of the WISC-IV was investigated using the core subtest scores of 176, six-to-sixteen-year-old Native American children referred for a psychoeducational evaluation. The exploratory factor analysis procedures reported in the WISC-IV technical manual were replicated with the current sample. Congruence coefficients were used to measure the similarity between the derived factor structure and the normative factor structure. The Schmid-Leiman orthogonalization procedure was used to study the role of the higher-order general ability factor. Results support the structural validity of the first-order and higher-order factors of the WISC-IV within this sample. The normative first-order factor structure was replicated in this sample, and the Schmid-Leiman procedure identified a higher-order general ability factor that accounted for the greatest amount of common variance (70%) and total variance (37%). The results support the structural validity of the WISC-IV within a referred Native American sample. The outcome also suggests that interpretation of the WISC-IV scores should focus on the global ability factor.
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Factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Fourth Edition among students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – ; Fourth Edition (WISC – IV) is one of the most popular intelligence tests used for special education eligibility purposes in the United States. Despite the large prevalence of children and adolescents with

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – ; Fourth Edition (WISC – IV) is one of the most popular intelligence tests used for special education eligibility purposes in the United States. Despite the large prevalence of children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the factor structure of the WISC – IV among this population has not been explored. Thus, the factor structure of WISC – IV scores among students with ADHD was investigated via replicatory factor analysis followed by a comparison with the factorial structure of the normative sample using the coefficient of congruence. The four factor model proposed by Wechsler was consistent with the factor structure found in the sample of students with ADHD for all subtests except Picture Concepts and Matrix Reasoning. The Verbal Comprehension and Processing Speed factors appeared to measure the same construct in the study sample as in the normative sample, while the Perceptual Reasoning and Working Memory factors were only fairly similar to the normative sample. It is recommended that clinicians interpret Perceptual Reasoning and Working Memory index scores of students with ADHD cautiously. Limitations of the study, future directions for research, and implications for practitioners are discussed.
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