Miniaturized Passive Hydrogel Check Valves for the Treatment of Hydrocephalic Fluid Retention

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BioMEMS has the potential to provide many future tools for life sciences, combined with microfabrication technologies and biomaterials. Especially due to the recent corona 19 epidemic, interest in BioMEMS technology has increased significantly, and the related research has also grown

BioMEMS has the potential to provide many future tools for life sciences, combined with microfabrication technologies and biomaterials. Especially due to the recent corona 19 epidemic, interest in BioMEMS technology has increased significantly, and the related research has also grown significantly. The field with the highest demand for BioMEMS devices is in the medical field. In particular, the implantable device field is the largest sector where cutting-edge BioMEMS technology is applied along with nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, etc. However, implantable devices used for brain diseases are still very limited because unlike other parts of human organs, the brain is still unknow area which cannot be completely replaceable.To date, the most commercially used, almost only, implantable device for the brain is a shunt system for the treatment of hydrocephalus. The current cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt treatment yields high failure rates: ~40% within first 2 years and 98% within 10 years. These failures lead to high hospital admission rates and repeated invasive surgical procedures, along with reduced quality of life. New treatments are needed to improve the disease burden associated with hydrocephalus. In this research, the proposed catheter-free, completely-passive miniaturized valve is designed to alleviate hydrocephalus at the originating site of the disorder and diminish failure mechanisms associated with current treatment methods. The valve is composed of hydrogel diaphragm structure and polymer or glass outer frame which are 100% bio-compatible material. The valve aims to be implanted between the sub-arachnoid space and the superior sagittal sinus to regulate the CSF flow substituting for the obstructed arachnoid granulations.
A cardiac pacemaker is one of the longest and most widely used implantable devices and the wireless technology is the most widely used with it for easy acquisition of vital signs and rapid disease diagnosis without clinical surgery. But the conventional pacemakers with some wireless technology face some essential complications associated with finite battery life, ultra-vein pacing leads, and risk of infection from device pockets and leads. To solve these problems, wireless cardiac pacemaker operating in fully-passive modality is proposed and demonstrates the promising potential by realizing a prototype and functional evaluating.
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Fully-passive Wireless Acquisition of Biosignals

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The recording of biosignals enables physicians to correctly diagnose diseases and prescribe treatment. Existing wireless systems failed to effectively replace the conventional wired methods due to their large sizes, high power consumption, and the need to replace batteries. This thesis

The recording of biosignals enables physicians to correctly diagnose diseases and prescribe treatment. Existing wireless systems failed to effectively replace the conventional wired methods due to their large sizes, high power consumption, and the need to replace batteries. This thesis aims to alleviate these issues by presenting a series of wireless fully-passive sensors for the acquisition of biosignals: including neuropotential, biopotential, intracranial pressure (ICP), in addition to a stimulator for the pacing of engineered cardiac cells. In contrast to existing wireless biosignal recording systems, the proposed wireless sensors do not contain batteries or high-power electronics such as amplifiers or digital circuitries. Instead, the RFID tag-like sensors utilize a unique radiofrequency (RF) backscattering mechanism to enable wireless and battery-free telemetry of biosignals with extremely low power consumption. This characteristic minimizes the risk of heat-induced tissue damage and avoids the need to use any transcranial/transcutaneous wires, and thus significantly enhances long-term safety and reliability. For neuropotential recording, a small (9mm x 8mm), biocompatible, and flexible wireless recorder is developed and verified by in vivo acquisition of two types of neural signals, the somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) and interictal epileptic discharges (IEDs). For wireless multichannel neural recording, a novel time-multiplexed multichannel recording method based on an inductor-capacitor delay circuit is presented and tested, realizing simultaneous wireless recording from 11 channels in a completely passive manner. For biopotential recording, a wearable and flexible wireless sensor is developed, achieving real-time wireless acquisition of ECG, EMG, and EOG signals. For ICP monitoring, a very small (5mm x 4mm) wireless ICP sensor is designed and verified both in vitro through a benchtop setup and in vivo through real-time ICP recording in rats. Finally, for cardiac cell stimulation, a flexible wireless passive stimulator, capable of delivering stimulation current as high as 60 mA, is developed, demonstrating successful control over the contraction of engineered cardiac cells. The studies conducted in this thesis provide information and guidance for future translation of wireless fully-passive telemetry methods into actual clinical application, especially in the field of implantable and wearable electronics.
Date Created

Membraneless microfluidic fuel cells

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Portable devices rely on battery systems that contribute largely to the overall device form factor and delay portability due to recharging. Membraneless microfluidic fuel cells are considered as the next generation of portable power sources for their compatibility with higher

Portable devices rely on battery systems that contribute largely to the overall device form factor and delay portability due to recharging. Membraneless microfluidic fuel cells are considered as the next generation of portable power sources for their compatibility with higher energy density reactants. Microfluidic fuel cells are potentially cost effective and robust because they use low Reynolds number flow to maintain fuel and oxidant separation instead of ion exchange membranes. However, membraneless fuel cells suffer from poor efficiency due to poor mass transport and Ohmic losses. Current microfluidic fuel cell designs suffer from reactant cross-diffusion and thick boundary layers at the electrode surfaces, which result in a compromise between the cell's power output and fuel utilization. This dissertation presents novel flow field architectures aimed at alleviating the mass transport limitations. The first architecture provides a reactant interface where the reactant diffusive concentration gradients are aligned with the bulk flow, mitigating reactant mixing through diffusion and thus crossover. This cell also uses porous electro-catalysts to improve electrode mass transport which results in higher extraction of reactant energy. The second architecture uses porous electrodes and an inert conductive electrolyte stream between the reactants to enhance the interfacial electrical conductivity and maintain complete reactant separation. This design is stacked hydrodynamically and electrically, analogous to membrane based systems, providing increased reactant utilization and power. These fuel cell architectures decouple the fuel cell's power output from its fuel utilization. The fuel cells are tested over a wide range of conditions including variation of the loads, reactant concentrations, background electrolytes, flow rates, and fuel cell geometries. These experiments show that increasing the fuel cell power output is accomplished by increasing reactant flow rates, electrolyte conductivity, and ionic exchange areas, and by decreasing the spacing between the electrodes. The experimental and theoretical observations presented in this dissertation will aid in the future design and commercialization of a new portable power source, which has the desired attributes of high power output per weight and volume and instant rechargeability.
Date Created